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That, thereupon, the woman was very sair on her, and gave her much ill language; and that the deponent was frightened, and crawled out of the house when her back was turned, and went home to Saint Leonard's Crags, as well as a woman in her condition dought.* * i.e. Was able to do.

I doobt she micht turn oot to be but a makshift hersel! There's mony aboot 'im 'at'll be sair eneuch upon 'im, but nane the wiser for that! Mony ane'll luik upon 'im as a bairn in whause existence God has had nae share or jist as muckle share as gies him a grup o' 'im to gie 'im his licks!

Kerry shook his head. "From all accounts a slip of a woman," he replied. "It was a strong hand that struck the blow." "Kazmah?" "Probably." "Mr. Quentin Gray came back wi' a cab and went upstairs, free the Spinker's evidence, at aboot a quarter after seven, and came doon five meenites later sair pale an' fretful." Kerry surrounded himself and the speaker with wreaths of stifling smoke.

That, thereupon, the woman was very sair on her, and gave her much ill language; and that the deponent was frightened, and crawled out of the house when her back was turned, and went home to Saint Leonard's Crags, as well as a woman in her condition dought.* * i.e. Was able to do.

"Ye're kindly welcome, Sir Paitrick. Hech, Sirs! the sight of you is gude for sair eyne." Sir Patrick turned and looked at Mr. Bishopriggs as he might have looked at some troublesome insect which he had driven out of the window, and which had returned on him again. "What, you scoundrel! have you drifted into an honest employment at last?" Mr.

"She may be your cousin, but I knew her before you did." The young Duchess turned with a start. "Sir Wilfrid! A sight for sair een. When did you get back?" She put her slim hands into both of his, and showered upon him all proper surprise and the greetings due to her father's oldest friend.

'I wot weel, Mr. Wauverley, and that was she e'en; but sair, sair angry and affronted wad she hae been, puir thing, if she had thought ye had been ever to ken a word about the matter; for she gar'd me speak aye Gaelic when ye was in hearing, to mak ye trow we were in the Hielands. I can speak it weil eneugh, for my mother was a Hieland woman.

"I'm sorry to say, mem, 'at I canna," he answered. "I promised Maister Graham to tak the schule for him, an' lat him gang." "Weel, weel! Mr Graham's obleeged to ye, nae doobt, an' we canna help it. Gie my compliments to yer gran'father." "I'll du that, mem. He'll be sair pleased, for he's unco gratefu' for ony sic attention," said Malcolm, and with the words took his leave.

He seemed as greatly affected as was I. Tears forced themselves to his eyes as he held the watch, which he opened absently to read the simple inscription I had put there. "Oh, Dickie lad!" he cried, "I'll be missing ye sair three hours hence, and thinking of ye for months to come in the night watches. But something tells me I'll see ye again."

Geordie that followed me all the way from home, and was sair hurt for me, and freed me from yon awsome castle. Oh, could ye trow that I could love ony but he? It was not too easy to refrain from saying, 'So that's the end of all your airs, but the fear of making her fly off again withheld Lady Drummond, and even Eleanor.