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So do you, and I would make that good with my sword against all gainsayers. But, my dear David, this world is a censorious place as who should know it better than myself, who have lived ever since the days of my late departed father, God sain him! in a perfect spate of calumnies? We have to face to that; you and me have to consider of that; we have to consider of that."

Your father asked none save at his courage and his sword, vol. 1, p. 260. I would as soon dress a corpse, when the great fiend himself God sain us stood visibly before us, than when Elspat of the Free is amongst us, vol. 1, p. 250. November 7, 1827. Oculus.

"A braw good-night to ye, Jeanie Deans," said the foremost female as the horse passed our heroine; "What think ye o' yon bonny hill yonder, lifting its brow to the moon? Trow ye yon's the gate to heaven, that ye are sae fain of? maybe we will win there the night yet, God sain us, though our minny here's rather dreigh in the upgang."

So do you, and I would make that good with my sword against all gainsayers. But, my dear David, this world is a censorious place as who should know it better than myself, who have lived ever since the days of my late departed father, God sain him! in a perfect spate of calumnies? We have to face to that; you and me have to consider of that; we have to consider of that."

A Scottish archer, who stood on guard, looked up at him anxiously with the words, 'Is it weel with the lassies? and on his reply, 'They are sain and safe, thanks, under Heaven, to Geordie Douglas of Angus! the man exclaimed, 'On, on, sir squire, the saints grant ye may not be too late for the puir Dolfine! Ah! but she has been sair misguided. 'Is my mother here? asked David.

There's been mony o' them sin' syne; and the maist, like him they ca'd Hell-in-Harness, and the rest o' them, are sleeping down in yon ruins. They were a proud dour set o' men, but unco brave, and aye stood up for the weel o' the country, God sain them a' there's no muckle popery in that wish. They ca'd them the Norman Wardours, though they cam frae the south to this country.

Sain and Augustin between them held the sceptre of miniature painting under the Empire. "He is going to make a statue, my dear, did you say?" "Nine feet high by the orders of the Minister of War. Why, where have you dropped from that I should tell you the news?

'He is the best judge of that, returned Sir James. 'And, added Sir David, 'I tell you, lad, that I shall never be as I was before, and that were I a whole man and sain, riding back to Glenuskie the morn, I should still bless the saints and bid you gang.

Vous ecrivez?" and he shook his finger at Longford "Bien'! Ecrivez un roman qui est sain, pure et noble et ze A-penny man vill moque de ca mais ecrivez of ze dirt of ze human naturel, et voila! Ze A-penny man say 'Bon! Ah que c'est l'art! Donnes moi l'ordure que je peux sentir! C'est naturel! C'est divin! C'est l'art!" A murmur, half of laughter, half of shocked protest, went round the table.

I am supremely indifferent. Since that day at Rome Felipe's love for me has grown. Oh! my dear, I am worse than a ballet-dancer! If you knew what joy that slighting remark gave me! I have pointed out to Felipe that she does not speak French correctly. She says esemple for exemple, sain for cinq, cheu for je. She is beautiful of course, but quite without charm or the slightest scintilla of wit.