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"A regular exposition!" she said; "and you'll bring them out one by one and put them through their paces, won't you, Auntie? And have them labeled for comparison, so that I can tell just what stocks they own and how they stand on the 'Street'! Do you remember the suitor in Moliere? 'J'ai quinze mille livres de rente; j'ai le corps sain; j'ai des beaux dents!"

Sain and Augustin between them held the sceptre of miniature painting under the Empire. "He is going to make a statue, my dear, did you say?" "Nine feet high by the orders of the Minister of War. Why, where have you dropped from that I should tell you the news?

I love my fellows, one and all, not offhand as the Catechism enjoins, but heartily, and I never saw the fellow, carl or king, who, if ordinary honest and cheerful, I could not lie heads and thraws with at a camp-fire. In matters of strict ritual, now, ha urn!" "Out with it, man!" I cried, laughing. "I'm like Parson Kilmalieu upbye. You've heard of him easy-going soul, and God sain him!

"'Feeling good? said I. "'Yep, but chee! Dat feed, spread out, would a lasted me clean to Sain' Paul." Although the traveling man will feed the hungry tramp on early strawberries and fried chicken when ham sandwiches straight would touch the spot better, all of his generosity is not for fun.

"Bermondsey Ol' Stairs to Sain' Pancras," argued the cabby assertively; "seven mile by th' radius; three 'n' six!" Kirkwood stood on the outer station platform, near the entrance to third-class waiting-rooms. Continuing to fumble through his pockets for an elusive sovereign purse, he looked up mildly at the man.

I knew him for a dreamer from the first day I saw him.... That's Williams gone and my step to Major come. God sain him! we could have better spared another man.... Halt, dress!" He opened his eyes again and they fell upon Gilian. "You mind me of a boy I once knew," said he. "Poor boy, poor boy, what a pity of you! My sister Mary would have liked you.

In the fall when the Mongols are confronted with a hard winter, which naturally exacts a certain toll from any herd, ponies sell for about two-thirds of their spring price. In Urga we had been led to believe that the entire trip to Sain Noin Khan's village could be done in eight days and that game was plentiful along the trail.

If I got the bullet in my groin, I at least showed the Mackay gentleman in question that an Argile man could handle arquebus as well as arme blanche as we said in the France. I felled my man at one hundred and thirty paces, with six to count from a ritt-master's signal. Blow, present, God sain Mackay's soul! But I'm not given to braggadocio."

The friendly offer of Sain, the Persian general, to conduct an embassy to the presence of the great king, was accepted with the warmest gratitude, and the prayer for pardon and peace was humbly presented by the Prætorian præfect, the præfect of the city, and one of the first ecclesiastics of the patriarchal church. But the lieutenant of Chosroes had fatally mistaken the intentions of his master.

So Amelia went up-stairs to grumble to Nurse; but Nurse only said, "Now, my dear Miss Amelia, do go quietly to bed, like a dear love. The field is all wet with dew. Besides, it's a moonlight night, and who knows what's abroad? You might see the fairies bless us and sain us! and what not. There's been a magpie hopping up and down near the house all day, and that's a sign of ill-luck."