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In his perplexity, he sought the advice of the celebrated Metastasio, who had been for some time established at Vienna as the favorite poet of the court, and the Italian, with the ready wit of his country, at once supplied him with a quatrain, which, in her disappointment itself, could mid ground for compliment: "Io perdei; l' augusta figlia A pagar m' ha condannato; Ma s'è ver che a voi somiglia, Tutto il mondo ha guadagnato."

"Guarde pur come è bello quel cavallo Leonardo Vinci a farli sol s'è mosso Statura bon pictore, e bon geometra Un tanto ingegno rar dal ciel s'impetra." So Baldassare Taccone sang in his poem on Bianca's wedding, while a greater scholar, Lancinus Curtius, recorded the completion of the long-expected work in the following epigram:

And yet I remember, that, though sa roe etait blanche, et son costume etait tres pittoresque, it was sans s'e carter cependant assez des usages recus pour que l'on put y trouver de l'affectation; and I suppose, if one should now suddenly collapse from conventional rotundity to antique statuesqueness, the great "on" would very readily "y trouver de l'affectation."

I won't meddle; don't worry. Here's Dodo. She hasn't learned that lesson yet, bless her heart! Now don't let Mamma mope, Blossom." "Me'll tate tare ob her, S'e tan p'ay wiv mine Wobin, an' hol' mine dolly." Camille disappeared, throwing kisses as she went. The library she mentioned was one in connection with the school, and somewhat chaotic in condition.

Po' Shot! he's ow jail-keepeh, now, you know he says one day, s'e, 'Old Pettie may be in heavm by now, but I don't believe he's happy; he'll neveh get oveh the loss of his sla-aves!" Fair spoke of John March, saying his influence in that region was not only very strong but very fine. Whereto Champion responded,

Gholson, that you never turned a hand nor an eye to save him?" "Great Scott! wha'd Gholson say?" "Gholson, s'e, 'I done as I done, sir, from my highest sense o' duty. This ain't Lieutenant Helm's own little private war, Lieutenant Quinn, nor mine, nor yours." "Jo'! that to Quinn! wha'd Quinn answer?"

'Do, says he, 'the red is beautiful on you, s'e, shovin' the blame off on to the red. An' when he got done with the shoes he come over to help on the waists too I was lookin' over the child sizes, next table, an' I see the whole business. "I will say their talk was wonderful pretty.

"Forevermore!" that great Amanda said, turning from her stove of savoury skillets; "ain't you the stranger? Timothy says only to-day, speakin' o' you, 'She ain't ben here for a week, s'e. 'Week! s'I; 'it's goin' on two. I'm a great hand to keep track. Throw off your things." At that I began to feel her influence.

That is all. It is simple and just." "Aye, it is simple; aye, it is just," said the old man; but he sucked his pipe-stem grimly: he had never seen these arguments prosper; and in his own youth he had cherished such mistakes himself, to his own hindrance. Had he not sung in those glorious days of hope and faith, "Fratelli d'Italia! L'Italia s'e desta!"

An' I see he happened to be there because the Through was about due, that's the one that don't stop here, an' you can always get a good view of it from this slope. You know Abel never misses watchin' a fast train go 'long, if he can help himself. "'What's the i-dea? Abel says. 'How can you pray at all in closets an' places that ain't been dedicated? I shouldn't think they'd be holy enough, 's'e.