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We thought we'd carry up their supper to 'em "'Supper, says Timothy, 'in the house o' the Lord? "Then Mis' Toplady spunks up some. "'Why, yes, she says; 'I'm goin' to milk the Jersey an' take up the two pails. "Timothy waves his barked arm in the air. "'Never! s'e. 'Never. We elders'll never consent to that, not in this world! "At that we all stood around sort o' pinned to the air.

'Not much, s'e, 'but I guess it's got such a head-start the whol' thing'll go like a shell. An' when we got to the top o' the bank on the other side o' the track, we see it was that way the poorhouse'd got such a head-start burnin' that nothin' could save it, though Timothy Toplady, that was town marshal an' chairman o' the county board, an' Silas Sykes an' Eppleby Holcomb, that was managers o' the poorhouse, an' some more, went puffin' past us, yellin', 'Put it out run fer water why don't you do suthin'? an' like that, most beside theirselves.

"Well, seh" the Captain became blithe "Jeff-Jack sent faw him you remembeh that night, President Gamble this was the second bill ayfteh the first hed been vetoed an' said, s'e, 'Leggett, if I give you my own word that you'll get yo' fifteen hund'ed a year as soon as this new bill passes, will you vote faw it? 'Yass, seh, says Leggett an' he did!"

"''T seems like, says Postmaster Sykes, thoughtful, ''t seems like we'd ought to hev a little meetin' o' thanks here o' Sat'day night little informal praise meetin' or somethin. "Timothy shakes his head decided. "'Silas Sykes, what you talkin'? he says. 'Why, the church ain't dedicated yet. A house o' God, s'e, 'can't be used for no purpose whatsoever without it's been dedicated.

But Timothy wouldn't listen to nothin'. "'Amanda, s'e in a married voice, 'what I say is this, I forbid you to carry a drop o' Jersey milk or any other kind o' milk up to that church. "With that he was out the front door an' liniment forgot. "Mis' Sykes spatted her hands. "'He'll find Silas Sykes an' Eppleby, she says to Mis' Holcomb. 'Quick. Le's us get our hands on my bread an' your cookies.

"That evenin' Eb come in an' set down on the edge of a chair, experimental, like he was testin' the cane. "'Miss Cally, s'e, when Elspie was out o' the room, 'you goin' t' let her go with them folks to the Alice County poorhouse? "I guess I dissembulated some under my eyelids bein' I see t' Eb's mind was givin' itself little lurches.

Think o' what, Brer Phelps, s'I? Think o' that bed-leg sawed off that a way, s'e? THINK of it, s'I? I lay it never sawed ITSELF off, s'I somebody SAWED it, s'I; that's my opinion, take it or leave it, it mayn't be no 'count, s'I, but sich as 't is, it's my opinion, s'I, 'n' if any body k'n start a better one, s'I, let him DO it, s'I, that's all. I says to Sister Dunlap, s'I "

Look at them case-knife saws and things, how tedious they've been made; look at that bed-leg sawed off with 'm, a week's work for six men; look at that nigger made out'n straw on the bed; and look at " "You may WELL say it, Brer Hightower! It's jist as I was a-sayin' to Brer Phelps, his own self. S'e, what do YOU think of it, Sister Hotchkiss, s'e?

It was such a nice evenin' you couldn't imagine anything rilly happenin' bad. But all at once I heard the fire-engine bell poundin' away like all possessed an' then runnin' feet, like when they's an accident. I got to the gate just as somebody come rushin' past, an' I piped up what was the matter. 'Poorhouse's afire, s'e.

That was one reason why she was so slow in promising to think about a wedding veil in response to James Ryan's oft repeated question. That evening on the way to the movies Jane instituted an investigation. "Jimmie, what kind of a man is your boss?" "White man!" said Jimmie promptly. "Aw! Cut it out, James Ryan! I don't mean how'd s'e look, or what color is he; I mean what kind of a man is he?"