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There is no need of anybody gettin' the front breadths of their dresses all shiny by rubbin' their hands on them. When you are at school you must remember and hold your school-books so they won't touch your dress. Then there is another thing you must remember, not to move your arms any more than you can help, that makes the waist wear out under the arms.

Ellins," says he, rubbin' one hand over the other, "very sorry indeed, sir. And er about those memoranda from my assistants. I will see that they are redeemed, you know." "Those I O U's?" says Mr. Ellins. "Oh, you tell the boys I tore 'em up. Yours, too, Doctor. I had my fun out of the game. So long." And for the next four miles Old Hickory don't do much but gaze out on the landscape and chuckle.

By the way, they was some of them the descendants of the big men we read about in the papers, and, between you and me, John, great descent was what most of 'em was sufferin' with. But old men and women danced old men especially that had ought to been at home rubbin' their backs with goose grease.

"Hum!" says Old Hickory, rubbin' his chin. "A case of mistaken identity, eh? Officer, you know me, I suppose?" "Yes, Mr. Ellins," says the special, jerkin' off his cap, "oh, yes, sir." "Then drive these deluded women downstairs and tell them their mistake," says Old Hickory. "Come, Mr. Pepper. Come, Torchy. In with you!"

But when he told me for the third time that I rubbed 'em out on purpose to make him trouble, and that I had made a practice of rubbin' 'em out for years and years why, then I had to correct him on the subject, and we had a little dialogue. I spoze Serena Fogg heard it.

I listened close, but I couldn't make out whether he stood for sprinklin', pourin', or sousin' clean under. So after he finished I went up an' axed 'im about it. I never shall forget how the feller grinned I reckon I remember it because it made me feel better. He ketched hold o' my hand, he did, an' while he was rubbin' it good an' kind-like, he said: 'Brother, don't let that bother you.

Jed cleared his throat. "She left this for you," said he, proffering an envelope. "Them kind always writes." "Sure," agreed Senor Johnson, stuffing the letter carelessly into his side pocket. He half drew the Colt's from its holster and slipped it back again. "Makes you feel plumb like a man to have one of these things rubbin' against you again," he observed irrelevantly.

"'Yes, yes, he says flurried, 'yes, it is like he was rushin' to cover an' a 'yes' to agree was his best protection. "'Oh, well, it ain't so early either, Silas cuts in, noddin' crafty. "'No, no, Eb agrees immediate, 'I donno's 'tis so very early, after all. "'I'm thinkin' o' takin' the store over myself, says Silas Sykes, tippin' his head back an' rubbin' thoughtful under his whiskers.

'E bathed a couple o' times a day in the lagoon or in fresh water, but 'e believed in rubbin' oil on his skin, and when a bloke is all greasy and nyked, 'e looks dirty. 'Is whiskers were too flossy in the tropics." It took all my wind to reach the Eden, a couple of miles from our starting-point, and we were on all fours part of the way. "'E could run up here like an animal," declared the fighter.

Well, about 3 P.M. on the comet day, as I was walking home through Lagden Dip, an old gent, the same as took the farm over after you, he comes up to me, and he says: 'If you should happen to see anywhere in your travels', sez 'e, laughin' and rubbin' his hands, 'a piece of hot iron after eleven to-night, you bring it to me, and I'll put a cheque for One Thousand Pounds there in the middle of your palm'. Well I said it was a Wednesday, didn't I? And Wednesday bein' the pay-day on the Eastern, me and the missus had a drop o' beer that afternoon, and you know 'ow you come and catched me a-paying of her dirty dog that I was those days.