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Come awa', Mr. Lammie. Sit doon; sit doon. Whaur hae ye been this mony a day, like a pelican o' the wilderness? Mr. Lammie was a large, mild man, with florid cheeks, no whiskers, and a prominent black eye. He was characterized by a certain simple alacrity, a gentle, but outspeaking readiness, which made him a favourite. 'I dinna richtly mak' oot wha ye are, he answered.

"Ye micht hae gotten a hantel oot o' that." "Ay. But ye see, he said the Lord was merciful to ither fowk whan he rendert to the wicked the punishment due to them. And I cudna richtly feel i' my hert that I cud praise the Lord for that mercy." "I dinna wonner, my bairn." "But eh! Mr Cupples, Mr Turnbull's no like that aye. He's bonnie upo' the Gospel news. I wiss ye wad gang and hear him the nicht.

'Weel, grannie, I canna say 'at he believed a' thing 'at ever was, for a body michtna ken a' thing. 'Toots, laddie! Was 't savin' faith? 'I dinna richtly ken what ye mean by that; but I'm thinkin' it was muckle the same kin' o' faith 'at the prodigal had; for they baith rase an' gaed hame. ''Deed, maybe ye're richt, laddie, returned Mrs. Falconer, after a moment's thought.

Na, I never richtly got sicht o' his face, for I aye put his bit meat an' drink doon beside him whan he was sleepin'. An' them that broucht him took him awa again whan they thoucht he was some better." It was noted that after this visit Lord Durie no longer pursued the subject of warlocks.

"Weel, mem, the way I heard it was raither particlar, and I wadna like a'body to ken." Here she glanced again at Annie. "You needn't be afraid of Annie Anderson," said Mrs Forbes smiling. "What is it?" "Weel, mem, I didna richtly ken.

The draper wasna certain that so licht a shoo'r could richtly be called rain.

Snaw had fa'en, sae that I could hardly see the track. And I never cam' up wi' them, and I haena heard o' them sin' syne. "The silence at first had been fearfu'; but noo, somehoo or ither, I canna richtly explain 't, the silence seemed to be God himsel' a' aboot me. "And I'll never forget him again, Annie. "I cam' upo' tracks, but no o' oor ain men. They war the fowk o' the country.

But anent that, michtna ye jist ca' to min', laird,'at a gi'en gift's yer ain, to du wi' what ye like; an' I wad na heed man, no to say a cratur 'at belangs richtly to nae warl' ava','at wad play the bairn, an' want back what he had gi'en. For him, he's a mere deid man 'at winna lie still. Mony a bairn canna sleep, 'cause he's behavet himsel' ill the day afore!

I doobt I had been greitin mysel'. A' the auld faces cam' roon' me ilka nicht, Thomas Crann and Jeames Dow and my mother�-whiles ane and whiles anither-�but ye was aye there. "Ae mornin', whan I woke up, I was my lane. I dinna ken richtly hoo it had happened.

But she was glad to find that neither Janet nor Robert appeared alarmed at the news. "I wuss the cratur had had some brakfast," she said. "He has a piece in 's pooch," answered Janet. "He's no oonprovidit wi' what can be made mair o'." "I dinna richtly un'erstan' ye there," said Jean.