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But when they richtly understand it's for their own sake, too, they'll hush their noise." Mary was one of the first at the factory on Monday. "Won't I look silly, if nobody comes!" she had thought every time she woke in the night. But she needn't have worried.

"That's mair nor I richtly can say," answered Meg Partan, "but auld farand fouk threepit it was somewhaur 'ithin the swing o' Sawtan's tail." The reply on the factor's lips as he left the house, tended to justify the rude sarcasm. There came a breath of something in the east. It was neither wind nor warmth. It was light before it is light to the eyes of men.

I heard auld Horny say something aboot lyin' to there for a bit, to tak a keg or something aboord. The boys looked at each other, bade Alan good-night, and walked away. 'Hoo far is 't to Stonehaven, Shargar? said Robert. 'I dinna richtly ken. Maybe frae twal to fifteen mile. Robert stood still. Shargar saw his face pale as death, and contorted with the effort to control his feelings.

"Nearhan' civileezed unner the fine influences o' the English, wi' their cultivation and their mainners, and, aboon a', their gran' Edwards and Hairries." "I dinna richtly unnerstan' ye, sir," said Bruce. "Ye hae heard hoo the king clave the skull o' Sir Henry dee Bohunn�-haena ye, sir?" "Ow, aye. But it was a pity it wasna the ither gait.

"I dinna ken whether I believe in him as ye wad ca' believin' or no there's sic a heap o' things broucht to the fore nooadays 'at I canna richtly say I un'erstan'. But as he dee'd for me, I wad dee for him. Raither nor say I didna ken him, I wad hing aside him. Peter an' a', I canna say less." Mr Bigg's eyes began to smart, and he turned away his head.

Folk live well there, but they live simply, and I think they're closer, there, to living as God meant man tae do, than they are in the cities. It's easier to live richtly in the country. There's fewer ways to hand to waste time and siller and good intentions. It was in America I first came sae close to an audience as to hae it up on the stage wi' me.

That's what garred me spier at ye, Thamas." "Weel, I dinna ken richtly hoo to answer ye, Tibbie; but at this moment the licht's playin' bonnie upo' the entick shimmerin' and brakin' upo' the water, as hit bracks upo' the stanes afore it fa's. An' what fa's, it luiks as gin it took the licht wi' 't i' the wame o' 't like.

'I was juist laughin', responded Meg, 'at oor venture, for here we are newly marrit an' I dinna even ken your name richtly; ye are a Robson, I ken, an' "Wudspurs" is your toname, but whatten's your hame name? 'My father and mother aye called me Si, responded Robson. 'Ye can call me that, an' ye like.

Gibbie again shook his head with expression this time of mere ignorance. "They'll ca' ye Sir Gibbie Galbraith, my man," said his father, "an' richtly, for it'll be no nickname, though some may lauch 'cause yer father was a sutor, an' mair 'at, for a' that, ye haena a shee to yer fut yersel', puir fallow! Heedna ye what they say, Gibbie.

Christ died that He might give life and liberty to the world, and in a way that is what we are doing. I can't richtly explain it, it's too deep for me; but I see glimpses of the truth. Tom, have you learnt the secret yourself?" "I think I have," replied Tom. "On the night of the attack I was on sentry duty, and while I was alone I I prayed.