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"'Now here iss this fat little man sittin' before me with his suit o' blue clothes so bonnie and dainty, and a watch guard as thick as my finger on his wame, smilin' an' smirkin', and real well contented with himself, but if he wass opened up what a sight it would be for men and angels. Oh yes, yes, it would be a fearsome sicht, and no man here would be able to look.

As for James More, the man's as boss as a drum; he's just a wame and a wheen words; though I'll can never deny that he fought reasonably well at Gladsmuir, and it's true what he says here about the five wounds. But the loss of him is that the man's boss." "Ye see, Alan," said I, "it goes against the grain with me to leave the maid in such poor hands." "Ye couldnae weel find poorer," he admitted.

If I were teaching them to form battalia by extracting the square root, that is, by forming your square battalion of equal number of men of rank and file, corresponding to the square root of the full number present, what return could I expect for communicating this golden secret of military tactic, except it may be a dirk in my wame, on placing some M'Alister More M'Shemei or Capperfae, in the flank or rear, when he claimed to be in the van?

Aweel, when my mother and him forgathered, they set till the sodgers, and I think they gae them their kale through the reek! Bastards o' the hure o' Babylon was the best words in their wame. Sae then the kiln was in a bleeze again, and they brought us a' three on wi' them to mak us an example, as they ca't."

"Stand back there, fat loon, gin ye wantna a quarrel shot intil that swagging tallow-bag ye ca' your wame!" "Out of my way, hill varlet!" cried the man on horseback. But the Carsphairn man stood with his cross-bow pointed straight at the leader of the cavalcade, crying at the same time in a loud, far-carrying voice over his shoulder, "Here awa', Anthon here awa', Bob!

Balfour, this makes my heart to burst; the heather is on fire inside my wame." "And the plain English of that phrase," said I, "is that the witnesses are still to lie in prison, and you are not to see them?"

Balfour, this makes my heart to burst; the heather is on fire inside my wame." "And the plain English of that phrase," said I, "is that the witnesses are still to lie in prison and you are not to see them?" David. It was actually so it was actually on the wayside near Tynedrum, and by the connivance of a soldier officer, that Mr. Stewart first saw the witnesses upon the case.

There's no accoontin' for tastes; clap a bunnet on a tawtie-bogle, wi' a cock to the ae side that's kin' o' knowin', and ony woman'll jump at his neck, though ye micht pap peas through the place whaur his wame should be. The Frenchy's no' my taste onyway; and noo, there's Sim!

"And what for no the night, Hobbie," said Harry, "and I will ride wi' ye?" "My naig is tired," said Hobbie. "Ye may take mine, then," said John. "But I am a wee thing wearied mysell." "You wearied?" said Harry; "shame on ye! I have kend ye keep the saddle four-and-twenty hours thegither, and ne'er sic a word as weariness in your wame."

"It's highly possible," said he, sighing. "But it seems strange ye shouldna carry it. However, as I was saying, this Alan Breck is a bold, desperate customer, and well kennt to be James's right hand. His life is forfeit already; he would boggle at naething; and maybe, if a tenant-body was to hang back he would get a dirk in his wame." "You make a poor story of it all, Mr.