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Man, hae ye no' read in the Screepturs aboot Herod an' the wur-r-ms in the wame o' him? 'Oh yes, I see, I hastened to answer. 'Ay, a fule can see what's flapped in his face, with which bit of proverbial philosophy he suddenly left me. But Geordie thenceforth contented himself, in Mr. Craig's presence at least, with ominous head-shakings, equally aggravating, and impossible to answer.

Thus saying, he sat down, and fetching one or two deep aspirations, by way of recovering his breath, called to the landlady "I think, Luckie, now that I find that there's nae hole in my wame, whilk I had muckle reason to doubt frae the doings o' your house, I wad be the better o' something to pit intill't."

Presently had any been looking they might have seen me to start. "We pit a fomentation to his feet," the good-wife was saying, "and a het stane to his wame, and we gied him hyssop and water of pennyroyal, and fine, clean balsam of sulphur for the hoast. . . " "Sir," says I, cutting very quietly in, "there's a friend of mine gone by the house."

The heather is on fire inside my wame." "And the plain English of that phrase," said I, "is that the witnesses are still to lie in prison and you are not to see them?" "And I am not to see them until Inverary, when the court is set!" cries he, "and then to hear Prestongrange upon the anxious responsibilities of his office and the great facilities afforded the defence!

"It's no that bad the noo, but ye sud hae seen it afore Jem, there, took a hand o' it a wheezin' rattlin' pechin thing that ye micht expect tae flee in bits for the noise in the wame o't. But Jemmie sorted it till it's nae despicable for its size. But it's no fit for the wark.

"Some gallantry of that d d Frenchman, who's trying to do some woman-stalking up here, and jealousy of Kilcraithie's, who's just got enough of his forbears' blood in him to think nothing of sticking three inches of his dirk in the wame of the man that crosses him. But I say," continued Jock, leaning easily back in his chair, "YOU ought to know something of all this.

"Gin I had the loon that did it," she went on, fumbling, with a haste that defeated itself, at the knot that bound Hawkie's nose to the tail of the cadger's horse "gin I had the loon 'at did it, I wad ding the sowl oot o' his wame, the villain!" "Losh! it's my ain cat, as weel's my ain coo." screamed Lucky Wattles in twofold indignation.

We do not wish a meal to owe its relish solely to the influence of extreme hunger it must have a beautiful nature all its own, it must exhibit the idea of Thing-in-Itself in an easily assimilable form. Good dinners certainly do not, and I end with this couplet: A douce woman and a fu' wame Maks King and cottar bide at hame.

I ken weel eneugh you Hieland folk haud us Glasgow people light and cheap for our language and our claes; but everybody speaks their native tongue that they learned in infancy; and it would be a daft-like thing to see me wi' my fat wame in a short Hieland coat, and my puir short houghs gartered below the knee, like ane o' your lang-legged gillies.

Mr Malison, she was ane o' the bonniest bicks ye cud set yer ee upo' " A smothered laugh gurgled through the room. "Whaur does the sowl o' a bitch bide?" asked Goat, in a whisper, of his neighbour. "De'il kens," answered Gapey; "gin it binna i' the boddom o' Rob Bruce's wame."