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Updated: August 25, 2024

Believing her, however, to be there on such good authority, we were getting very sorry for Bellini's mother, when we were unexpectedly relieved, by finding it was only a bit of make-believe; for it was now divulged, che questa madre che piangea il suo figlio, was not in fact his personal mother, but "Italy" dressed up like his mother, and gone to Paris on purpose to weep and put garlands on the composer's tomb, amaranth and crocus, and whatever else was in season.

Kay tilted her adorable nose at them. "How delightful to have one's intelligence underrated by mere men," she retorted. "Did Bill Conway indicate the direction of the tide of emigration from La Questa?" Farrel asked craftily, still unwilling to admit anything.

Whenever APOSTOLO ZENO, the predecessor of Metastasio, prepared himself to compose a new drama, he used to say to himself, "Apostolo! recordati che questa è la prima opera che dai in luce." "Apostolo! remember that this is the first opera you are presenting to the public."

"I understand," Kay struck in demurely, "that La Questa Valley suffered a slight loss in population a few weeks ago." Both Farrel and her father favored her with brief, sharp, suspicious glances. "Who was telling you?" the latter demanded. "Señor Bill Conway." "He ought to know better than to discuss the Japanese problem with you," Farrel complained, and her father nodded vigorous assent.

Chord successions without any melodic union cannot be long sustained, and the Italians, with the tentative achievements of the frottolists before them, were not long blind to this fact. Leone Battista Alberti, father of Renaissance architecture, in writing of his church of St. Francis at Rimini uses the expression "tutta questa musica."

"Here Epicurus hath his fiery tomb, And with him all his followers, who maintain That soul and body share one common doom"; and is still better rendered by Dr. Parsons, "Here in their cemetery on this side, With his whole sect, is Epicurus pent, Who thought the spirit with its body died." "Suo cimitero da questa parte hanno Con Epieuro tutti i suoi seguaci, Che l'anima col corpo morta fanno."

"Questa vindow; vindow orizhinalle," he would say, meaning that the opening that he was pointing to was one of the original windows of the edifice. And then he would go on with a long sentence in the Neapolitan dialect, which was perfectly unintelligible from beginning to end. At length the exploration was ended, and the whole party ascended again to the surface of the ground.

"And that" he pointed to the stout lady, who at this moment tossed her head till her veil swung loose like a sail suddenly deserted by the wind "is the goose-mother. Buona sera, Marchesa! Buona sera molto piacere. Carlo, buona sera a rivederci, Contessa! A questa sera." He showed his splendid teeth in a fixed but winning smile, and, hat in hand, went by, walking from his hips.

"That night I was at the theatre, and witnessed the wild, frantic reception of this cavatina, and also saw the point Scudo alludes to, which Adelaide made that night for the first time, in the duo between Tancredi and Argirio, 'Ah, se de' mali miei, in the passage at the close of 'Ecco la tromba, at the repeat of 'Al campo. She looked superbly, and, as that part of the duo ended, she advanced a step, drew up her fine form to its full height, flashed her sword with a gesture of inspiration, and exclaimed, in clear, musical diction, 'Il vivo lampo di questa spada. The effect was electric.

'E da martirio venni a questa pace.... You do not need that I should say how sensibly I remember all your sympathy, which was the only human help in the time when we two went together through the trial, which to be known must be endured. Rome: March 17, 1852... How this time reminds me of last year! On Passion Sunday I shall be in Retreat. B.'s door.

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