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Updated: August 25, 2024

Not when my glass tells me youth is gone, and beauty is waning? Not when there is no one in this wide world who cares a straw whether I am handsome or hideous? I would as lief be dead as despised and neglected." "Sorella mia, questa donna ti ascolta," murmured Angela; "come and look at the old gardens, sister, while Mrs. Lewin spreads out her wares.

But there was no answer still. "Will you speak when you are told?" exclaimed my uncle, shaking the urchin by the ears. "Come si noma questa isola?" "STROMBOLI," replied the little herdboy, slipping out of Hans' hands, and scudding into the plain across the olive trees. We were hardly thinking of that. Stromboli! What an effect this unexpected name produced upon my mind!

Messer Pantolfe de la Cassina of Siena, riding post from Rome, came to Chambery, and alighting at honest Vinet's took one of the pitchforks in the stable; then turning to the innkeeper, said to him, Da Roma in qua io non son andato del corpo. Di gratia piglia in mano questa forcha, et fa mi paura.

After discoursing on the differences between republics and principalities, and showing that Florence is more suited to the former, and Milan to the latter, form of government, he says: 'Ma perchè fare principato dove starebbe bene repubblica, etc. ... 'si perche Firenze è subietto attissimo di pigliare questa forma, etc.

Don Gaetano dropped a lump of sugar into the saucepan, stirred it with a stick, and in a persuasive voice I heard him say, "Che bella roba, che bella roba, quanto e buono questa latte con lo zucchero! A slight rustling was heard beneath the Abruzzi cloak and a black little hand was stretched out toward the red paper bag. "Primo il latte, primo il latte" admonished the old man.

He said that in Florence people talked about "huesta hasa" when they would say "questa casa," and thus turned Italian into a mad Arabic. So they do, especially the women: why not? The poor Stendhal loved Milan, wrote himself down "Arrigo Milanese" and what can you expect from a Milanese? They tell me, who know Florence well, that she is growing unwieldy.

"Well, then, that scoundrel, Okada, sent a Jap over from La Questa valley to assassinate Miguel and clear the way for your father to acquire this ranch without further legal action and thus enable their interrupted land deal to be consummated." "My father was not a party to that oh, Mr. Conway, surely you do not suspect for a moment " "Tish! Tush! Of course not.

Let there be no doubt in the interlineation which occurs at the hundred and third line of the said reply, namely, vindo questa; and where it reads, in the margin, e requeiro, at the beginning of the two hundred and thirty-first line above-written for it is all correct. In the same day and year above-written. Goncalo Pereira.

Questa e la famosa casa del gran pittore, l'immortale Tiziano, suoni, signore!" This is the famous house of the great painter, the immortal Titian. We retired amid the scorn of the populace.

"E cattivo vento che non e buono per qualcuno debbo a questa burrasca la pregustazione d' un piacere," he said, with a mingling of ceremonious politeness and sunny geniality that was of his age and race. Peter instinctively he could not have told why put a good deal more deference into his bow, than men of his age and race commonly put into their bows, and murmured something about "grand' onore."

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