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Updated: September 6, 2024

Mantegazza, in his Fisiologia del Piacere, thus describes the sexual temperament: "Individuals of nervous temperament, those with fine and brown skins, rounded forms, large lips and very prominent larynx enjoy in general much more than those with opposite characteristics.

"And that" he pointed to the stout lady, who at this moment tossed her head till her veil swung loose like a sail suddenly deserted by the wind "is the goose-mother. Buona sera, Marchesa! Buona sera molto piacere. Carlo, buona sera a rivederci, Contessa! A questa sera." He showed his splendid teeth in a fixed but winning smile, and, hat in hand, went by, walking from his hips.

Peppino and I exchanged several postcards, but Brancaccia's name was never mentioned in any of his. After a year I received a letter from him. "Sono gia piu di dodeci mesi che non ho il piacere di vedere la sua grata persona sulla nostra spiaggia. "Con vero piacere Le faccio sapere che mio caro padre gode buonissima salute e che desidera grandemente di rivederla.

There was a lull in the talk, as it was arrested by her unconscious but all-powerful will. 'Salsie, won't you play something? said Hermione, breaking off completely. 'Won't somebody dance? Gudrun, you will dance, won't you? I wish you would. Anche tu, Palestra, ballerai? si, per piacere. You too, Ursula.

"E cattivo vento che non e buono per qualcuno debbo a questa burrasca la pregustazione d' un piacere," he said, with a mingling of ceremonious politeness and sunny geniality that was of his age and race. Peter instinctively he could not have told why put a good deal more deference into his bow, than men of his age and race commonly put into their bows, and murmured something about "grand' onore."

As we glared at each other like two hostile catamounts, a steward relieved the tension by running toward us down the deck. "Signori, un momento, per piacere!" he called as he came. The British officers were on board, he forthwith informed us, and were demanding, in accordance with the martial law now reigning at Gibraltar, a sight of each passenger and his passport before the ship should proceed.

In Ostellato. FOOTNOTES: Maxime intendendo che continuano dormire insieme la nocte. Se ben intende ch'el Sig. Don Alfonso el va a piacere in diversi loci come giovene; il quale, dice S. St

It is usual to find mere assonances like bene and piacere, oro and volo, ala and alata, in the place of rhymes; while such remote resemblances of sound as colli and poggi, lascia and piazza, are far from uncommon.

I have come," he said, addressing himself to me, "to ask you to dine with us to-morrow, and you must bring your charming niece." "Would you like to go, Marcoline?" "'Con grandissimo piacere'! We shall speak Venetian, shall we not?" "Certainly." "'E viva'! I cannot learn French." "M. Querini is in the same position," said M. Memmo.

I have come," he said, addressing himself to me, "to ask you to dine with us to-morrow, and you must bring your charming niece." "Would you like to go, Marcoline?" "'Con grandissimo piacere'! We shall speak Venetian, shall we not?" "Certainly." "'E viva'! I cannot learn French." "M. Querini is in the same position," said M. Memmo.

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