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It brought the warm blood back to Wade's cold heart. It was his great reward. How intensely and implacably did his soul mount to that crisis! "Collie, I'll never fail you," he said, and his gentle voice was deep and full. "If Jack can be scared into haltin' in his mad ride to hell then I'll do it. I'm not promisin' so much for him.

I've been promisin' of her a rest this good while." "Better keep her a steppin'," urged thrifty Mrs. Fanny. "She'll stiffen up master, an' disapp'int ye, come spring." "You'll have me, now, won't ye, sartin?" pleaded Jefferson, to make sure. "You ain't one o' them that plays with a man's feelin's. Say right out you'll have me." "I s'pose I shall have to," said Mrs. Tobin somewhat mournfully.

"You ain't got the speakin' to do. It's I that's got to ask her." Then as he sped out of sight, he added as an afterthought: "By the way, Bart an' Minnie Coffin have come to a split at last over that 'ere dress. After gettin' it fixed, an' promisin' him 'twas fur the last time, she's ripped it all up again 'cause she's seen some picter in a book she liked better.

But he don't notice 'em much, an' he's not so keen on his water-lilies as I thought he would be, for they're promisin' better this year than they've ever done before, an' the buds all a-floatin' up on top o' the river just lovely.

Lord love ye, gen'elmen, I can p'int you out a murderer afore the fact's committed I've got the names o' four on 'em no, five wrote down in my little reader, five werry promisin' coves as is doo for the deed at any moment; I'm a vaitin' for 'em to bring it off, sirs.

There was considerable freight to be hauled, besides Carley's luggage, but evidently she was the only passenger. "Reckon it's goin' to be a bad day," said the driver. "These April days high up on the desert are windy an' cold. Mebbe it'll snow, too. Them clouds hangin' around the peaks ain't very promisin'. Now, miss, haven't you a heavier coat or somethin'?" "No, I have not," replied Carley.

We parted with the children here, they goin' to their own homes, after promisin' to come and see me and their pa very soon. Tommy throwed his arms round my neck and said he should stay with us half the time. We want him to. Well, Ury met us with the mair and warm smiles of welcome, and Philury greeted us with joyous smiles and a good warm meat supper.

Ye hev a good eddication, an' bein' a lady ye are well fitted to adorn a good man's home. Now, our Dick is a most promisin' feller, who thinks a sight of ye, so if ye'd consent to look upon him favourably, it ud please us all mighty well. Besides " "Mr. Farrington!" interrupted Nellie, "what do you mean? What do I understand you to say? Do you " "Wait a minute, my dear," remonstrated Farrington.

I suppose the promisin' youth has seen his father, and thinks himself the welcome heir of his title and property by this; and the father too but wait, if I don't dash that cup from his lips, and put one to it filled with gall, I'm not here; and then when it's done, I'll take to religion for the remainder of my life."

"What!" cried Black George, starting. "Dead!" nodded the old man, "a corp' 'e be eh! such a fine, promisin' young chap, an' now a corp'." Here the Ancient nodded solemnly again, three times, and inhaled his pinch of snuff with great apparent zest and enjoyment. "Why " began the amazed George, "what " and broke off to stare, open-mouthed.