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As they went Abe explained the situation. Pat cursed the bank and James Greenfield and the Company with no light weight curses. "Hell will sure be a-poppin' when them greasers don't get their pay checks, as we've been promisin' them," drawled Texas Joe, shaking his head mournfully. "For regular unexpectedness this here financierin' business gets me plumb locoed. What will you do, Abe?

'What I should like to know, she says after while, 'is this: Do trainers make a practise of taking horses at the same terms you have just offered me? "'Sure they do, I lies, lookin' her in the eye. 'Any trainer'll take a chance on a promisin' colt. "'Are you certain? she asks me, earnest. "'Yes'm, dead certain, I says.

O' course, there's many a promisin' murderer died afore 'e could do the deed, death 'as no more respect for vould-be murderers than for their wictims. But whenever I sees a cove or covess with the true murderer's face, down goes that cove or covess' name in my little reader, an' I vatches an' vaits for 'em to bring it off, werry patient."

Pearson began to outline the plot of his novel, speaking slowly at first, but becoming more interested as he continued. Captain Elisha listened meditatively, puffing solemnly at his cigar, and interrupting but seldom. "I think that's a pretty good idea," he observed, at length. "Yes, sir, that sounds promisin', to me. This cap'n of yours now, he's a good feller.

Why, sir! d d if he didn't want to patronize YOU, and allowed to me that 'de Kernel' had a 'fah ideah' of you, 'and thought you a promisin' young man. The fact is, sir, the party is making a big mistake trying to give votes to that kind of cattle it would only be giving two votes to the other side, for, slave or free, they're the chattels of their old masters.

"'I aims to excuse myse'f to you, sah, says Tom this last time, 'for them misstatements about me leavin' d' Presbyter'ans for d' Mefodis. I does do it for troo, but now I'se gone over, wool an' weskit, to d' Baptis'. An', sah, I feels mighty penitent an' promisin', I does; I'm gwine to make a stick of it dis time.

"Just remember I ain't promisin' a thing. I'm a respectable business man now, and, as I said, duckin' trouble." "Find out for me in which wagon the liquor is. That's all I ask." "How can I find out? I'm no mind reader." "Drift over casually and offer to buy goods. Poke around a bit. Keep cases on 'em. Notice the wagons they steer you away from." Tom thought it over and shook his head.

"Bein' in the advance trench, we've got on neighbourly terms like, with the Dutchies, and Tom Kelly, wot 'as just bin speakin', 'eard Bob Ellis promisin' this bloke as 'ow if 'e'd on'y 'urry up an' git killed soon enough, Bob would 'ave 'is farm and 'is frow when 'e come marchin' along to Pretoria. 'Oppin' mad the Dopper was at that, an' the names 'e called pore Bob was something disgraceful.

I had been promisin' all summer to go, and every time I saw Mis' Fulham, Sundays, she 'd say somethin' about it. We wa'n't very well acquainted, but always friendly. She moved here from Bedford Hill." "Oh, yes; I used to know her," said Abby, with interest. "Well, now, she did give me a beautiful welcome when I got there," continued Mrs. Hand.

I'm an old bach, of course, but the average young girl or feller is subject to that sort of ailment, 'cordin' to the records. S'pose one of your circle's daughters gets to keepin' company with a chap who's outside the ring? A promisin', nice boy enough, but poor, and a rank outsider? Mean to say she sha'n't marry him if she wants to." "Certainly!