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Updated: November 7, 2024

"Gentlemen!" he began, but here he was interrupted by a loud voice upraised in hot anger. "Confound ye for a clumsy rascal! Will ye keep them elbers o' yourn to out o' my weskit, eh? Will ye keep them big feet o' yourn to yeself?

The other was slim with a hook nose, a pail fase, a small waist, a pare of falling shoulders, a tight coat, and a catarack of black satting tumbling out of his busm, and falling into a gilt velvet weskit.

A little group of factory boys were standing close by, and, just as the engine started, one of them thought fit to enliven the proceedings with a joke. "Hallo, mister! how much starch d'you put on your weskit?" "That much!" answered Raymond, snappishly, and leaning outwards in passing he dealt the speaker a sharp cut with his cane. "Yah!

"Meanin' the weskit, sir?" asked Treacher. "Is it a waistcoat?" "Well, sir, it used to be an antimacassar; but Miss Gabriel had it made up for me, all the shirts in store bein' used up, so to speak." Too well the Commandant recognised it; an abomination of crochet work in stripes, four inches wide, of scarlet, green, orange-yellow, and violet.

I'd 'ad 'im from a pup Kitty carried 'im in 'er apron when 'e was a week old, he loved me yes 'e did! an' 'e slept in my weskit iviry night of 'is life! an' he 'adn't a fault in 'im, all lovin' an' true! an' now 'e's gone an' an'-I HATE the quality up at the Manor yes I do! I HATE 'em! an' if Miss Vancourt 'adn't never come 'ome, my doggie 'ad been livin' now, an' we'd all a' bin 'appy!"

"If you do, 'Lijah he'll take 'em right up to Boston for you, an' I warrant he'll git you a new white spread for every one on 'em." "That was the year afore I was married," continued Old Lady Green. "I had a set o' white chiny with lavender sprigs, an' my dress was changeable. He had a flowered weskit.

Some o' the cocoa 'e was drinking went the wrong way, and then Ginger patted 'im on the back and told 'im to be careful not to bring on 'is brownchitis agin. Wot with temper and being afraid to speak for fear they should let Mrs. Finch know that 'e wasn't a captin, he could 'ardly bear 'imself, but he very near broke out when Peter Russet advised 'im to 'ave his weskit lined with red flannel.

Counting left-right, and keeping elbow-touch with the next man, W. Keyse got in a whisper: "I say, Sergeant, am I in for it as well as Ole Bulgy Weskit? You might as well let me know and charnce it!" The Sergeant answered with unfeeling indifference: "Since you ask, I should say you was." "That's a bit 'ard! Wot'll I git?" "Ten to one, your skater." "Wot is my skater?"

"Well," he answered slowly, "I won't go so fur as that, but 'tis a mighty fine weskit theer's no denyin', an' must ha' cost a sight o' money a powerful sight!" I picked up my knapsack and, slipping it on, took my staff, and turned to depart. "Theer's a mug o' homebrewed, an' a slice o' fine roast beef up at th' 'ouse, if you should be so inclined "

The country at large, incloodin' the undersined, is disgusted with you. Why don't you show us a statesman sumbody who can make a speech that will hit the pop'lar hart right under the great Public weskit? Why don't you show us a statesman who can rise up to the Emergency, and cave in the Emergency's head? Congress, you won't do. Go home, you mizzerable devils go home!

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