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As the friend, by whom I was accompanied, was well known in the place, we were soon introduced to a circle of respectable families; and among others, to that of Berton, consisting of the father, mother, and daughter. Rosalie Berton was the belle of S , or to borrow the far prettier French phrase, she was "la perle de ville."

They may take our mountains, our valleys, and our bogs; but, bad luck to them, they can't steal our 'blarney; that's the privilege one and indivisible with our identity. And while an Englishman raves of his liberty, a Scotchman of his oaten meal, blarney's our birthright, and a prettier portion I'd never ask to leave behind me to my sons.

Lionel Poynter, "if Sir John will suffer me; Vincent, my good friend, we are wrong Pypp's wrong, and so am I. First then, let me beg pardon of a very pretty girl, for making her look prettier by blushes; next, as the maid really is engaged to you, my fine fellow, it is not beneath a gentleman to say, I hope that you'll forgive me for too warmly admiring your taste; as for George's imputation, Vincent "

Then Zora, splendid, deep bosomed, glowing with color, bringing with her a perfume of furs and violets, sailed into the room and took her into her arms. Emmy felt fluffy and insignificant. "How well you're looking, dear. I declare you are prettier than ever. You've filled out.

To Tabitha they gave a prettier name, calling her Imba or Little Flower. At first Dorcas was quite pleased with her title, which sounded nice, but when she came to learn what it meant it was otherwise. "How can you expect me, Thomas, to live among a people who call me 'a mild cow'?" she asked indignantly. "Never mind, my dear," he answered.

"No, no, no!" she said. "There's a pool at the bottom of the garden, and there are water-lilies all around it. We'll go, both of us, and look at ourselves there; that will be much prettier." "As you please. I am quite indifferent; only I want you to respect yourself, Irene." "Respect myself? But then, no one else does."

Laura will have a little something; so there could be nothing better. We are naturally delighted. But what a pity Laura is not a little taller about Fanny's height; and as I was looking at Fanny the other day, I thought how sorry I was for Mr. Whitloe that Laura was not just a little prettier. She has such a nose; and then her complexion!

Once Frank spoke of her to him and told him where she was, and that she was learning to speak English very rapidly, and growing prettier every day. But Arthur did not seem at all interested and only said: 'How can Mrs. Crawford afford to keep the child?

"You ain't going to live here in this house, and not go back to Green River?" "I don't see any need of goin' back to Green River. This is a 'nough sight prettier place than Green River. Now you're down here, I don't see any sense in layin' out money to go back at all. Mandy'll send our things down." "You don't mean to stay right along here in this house, and not go back to Green River at all?"

She waved a gay greeting and smiled her welcome to him through the throng. Max Hempel, close behind, caught the message, too, and recognized the face of the girl who smiled as the original of the newspaper cut he had just been studying so assiduously. Deliberately he dogged the young man's heels. He wanted to get a close-up view of Laura LaRue's daughter. She was much prettier than the picture.