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From where I was, it looked as if we was gettin' a good poundin' yestirday." "D'yeh think so?" inquired the friend. "I thought we handled 'em pretty rough yestirday." "Not a bit," said the youth. "Why, lord, man, you didn't see nothing of the fight. Why!" Then a sudden thought came to him. "Oh! Jim Conklin's dead." His friend started. "What? Is he? Jim Conklin?" The youth spoke slowly. "Yes.

I sha'n't have anything to do with it. If you want 'em pounded you must get your own club and do your own poundin'." Says I, "I don't mean poundin' 'em with a club, but let folks buy a pound of different things to eat and drink and carry it to 'em, and we can try and raise a little money to get a warmer horse for 'em to stay in the coldest of the weather." "Oh!" says he, with a relieved look.

I'm figurin' that the Redskins are in ambush down there among the willows. It's likely they've been there all through the night. They'll attack before sunrise; and they'll approach by way of the hollow yonder, where they c'n tread quiet on the marshy ground." "Say, that rider's wastin' no time, Gid," Isa interrupted, "Guess he's in some hurry by the way he's poundin' along."

'Not on my steps! he shrieked, poundin' with his cane 'n' shakin' with his fist, 'not on my steps, he howled louder 'n all below, 'not while I 'm alive! not while I c'n prevent! not while I c'n help it! no Clegg sits afore me, not now 'n' not never! You c'n imagine, Mrs. Lathrop, 's I didn't get very far to sat down under them circumstances.

He had been heard to say of Felix that "It was aisy work runnin' down other people's business, and small blame to th' ould man if he had a fancy for a light job now and agin, when he would be tired poundin' th' ould iron at a profit you couldn't see to pick up widout a strong pair of spectacles." Proximity had brought to the consultation Mrs.

Times it gets to poundin' away like a quartz stamp, and then it stops suddent like, and kinder leaves ME out too." Kane looked at him more attentively. He was a strong, powerfully built man with a complexion that betrayed nothing more serious than the effects of mining cookery. It was evidently a common case of indigestion.

I c'd n't say a livin' word, I c'd n't make a livin' move; I c'd only stand 'n' shake 'n' listen, 'n' him keepin' on yellin' 'n' poundin' like mad. "'Susan Clegg, he screamed, 'Susan Clegg, 'n' he kep' poundin' harder 'n' harder 'n' gettin' redder 'n' redder every minute, 'Susan Clegg, I'm glad you've come; I've wanted you to come; I've wanted you to come f'r a long time.

"I can't return the compliment my soul! how you've changed! ayes!" she remarked. "I hope you ain't fit no more, Bart. I can't bear to think o' you flyin' at folks an' poundin' of 'em. Don't seem right no, it don't!" "Why, Aunt Deel, what in the world do you mean?" I asked. "It's Purvis's brain that does the poundin', I guess," said my uncle. "It's kind o' got the habit.

"Was we to let out a yell now, they'd drag it so fast they'd dig their hoofs in clear down to the stirrup leathers." Drew shook his head. "Those are General Wilson's men ... can't be sure with them that they wouldn't come poundin' up, sabers out, tryin' to take a prisoner or two. Anyway, we don't stir them up, that's orders." Kirby sighed. "Too bad.

Jimmie's cries annoyed him. He turned about and bellowed at his wife: "Let the damned kid alone for a minute, will yeh, Mary? Yer allus poundin' 'im. When I come nights I can't git no rest 'cause yer allus poundin' a kid. Let up, d'yeh hear? Don't be allus poundin' a kid." The woman's operations on the urchin instantly increased in violence.