United States or Grenada ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Bill's willin' to be a patriot as the game is commonly dealt, but when his love of country takes the form of poundin' rocks, the noble sentiments which yeretofore bubbles in Bill's breast commences to pall on Bill an' he becomes none too shore but what trousers is right.

Harry became conscious of the "cutting" and "burning," and, struggling weakly, he sat up. "That's better," continued the deep, masculine voice. "You've been layin' on your face, lettin' the Kentucky River run out of your mouth, while we was poundin' you on the back to increase the speed o' the current. It's all out o' you now, an' you're goin' to keep your young life."

At daybreak Peter Ferrara came to the house. "How are you?" he asked. "Sore. Wobbly." MacRae had tried his legs and found them wanting. "It was a bad night all round, eh, lad?" Peter rumbled in his rough old voice. "Some of the boys got a line on the Blackbird and hauled what was left of her around into the Cove. But she's a ruin. The engine went to pieces while she was poundin' on the rocks.

"Wall," he admits, "it wa'n't just the weather I'd pick to take the old Curlew out in; but when I see through the glasses what the white thing was that's poundin' around on Razor Back Ledges, and seen the distress signal run up why, I couldn't stay ashore. There was others would have gone, I guess, if I hadn't. But there I was, an old bach, and not much good to anybody anyway, you know."

For half a minute they waited and listened, but no sound broke upon the stillness of the island night save the ceaseless hum of the surf, and the quick panting breaths of the girl. "'Taint nothing, Em, on'y the surf a poundin' on the reef." "P'raps they're all a comin' in the boat. Dad, there's a lot o' man-o'-war men comin' for Jim.

I reckon the big trouble is that most folks got to see somethin' to fight afore they get goin'. Fightin' for a principle looks just like poundin' air to some folks. I don't believe in shootin' in the dark. How come, I've plugged a rattlesnake by just shootin' at the sound when he was coiled down where I couldn't see him. But this ain't no kind of talk for you to listen to, missy."

The cowboy swung to the ground and threw open the barbed-wire gate. "Keep straight on through, Bat, unless you hear from me. I'll be waitin' by the bunk-house. Chances are, them salamanders will all be poundin' their ear pretty heavy, bein' up all last night to the dance." He galloped away and the others followed at a walk. For an hour no one spoke.

I saw Luella Miller and Erastus Miller, and Lily, and Aunt Abby, and Maria, and the Doctor, and Sarah, all goin' out of her door, and all but Luella shone white in the moonlight, and they were all helpin' her along till she seemed to fairly fly in the midst of them. Then it all disappeared. I stood a minute with my heart poundin', then I went over there. I thought of goin' for Mrs.

It was such a nice evenin' you couldn't imagine anything rilly happenin' bad. But all at once I heard the fire-engine bell poundin' away like all possessed an' then runnin' feet, like when they's an accident. I got to the gate just as somebody come rushin' past, an' I piped up what was the matter. 'Poorhouse's afire, s'e.

"'You low-down hound! whoops Dan back at him. "'Silence! bellers Gabe, poundin' thunder storms on the desk. 'Will some one explain why these maniacs are Ah, Mr. Gale thank goodness, YOU at least are sane! "Jotham walks to the front of the platform. He was holdin' the hat and a slip of paper with the result set down on it.