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"'Row? he snorts; 'there's row enough for six. That da excuse me, mister that cussed Archibald has woke up. "He had; there wa'n't no doubt about it. And he was raisin' hob, too. The candy, mixed up with the dinner, had put his works in line with his disposition, and he was poundin' and yellin' upstairs enough to wake the dead. Margaret leaned over the balusters. "'Is it the Father? she says.

"Well, th' way he must be poundin' his ear now notta hear dis racket yud think he was trainin' for a Rip van Winkle Marathon." Pause made audible by the pertinacious bell, grinding away like a dentist's drill in a vacant tooth.... "Waitin' here all day won't get me nothin'. Here, what's th' matta wid you signin' for't?" "G'wan. Sign it yourself 'nd stick unda the door, whydoncha?"

Hopalong looked at the speaker and a quizzical grin slowly spread over his face. "They'll shore feel glad when I tells them yu was askin' for 'em. But didn't yu see too much of 'em once, or was yu poundin' leather in the other direction? Yu don't want to worry none about me an' if yu don't get yore hands closter to yore neck they'll be heck to pay!

Every time they banged she says that 'Bije, his nerves bein' on edge the way they are, would pretty nigh jump the quilts up to the ceilin' and himself along with 'em. And his remarks got more lit up every jump. About five o'clock when somebody came poundin' he let out a roar you could hear a mile.

You know what a precious nice time you're calculatin' to have, about two months from now, up in my trees stealin' my peaches, you young devil. 'Wash you from your sins! Humph! Yes, you need it bad enough, Lord knows! A good poundin', and boilin', and sudzin', you need and a good soakin' in the bluein' water over night, too." Emily's eyes sparkled with keen though good-natured satire.

She came slowly, like some wounded an' crippled critter. Clear across the bay we could hear her screw creakin, an' her engines clankin' like they were all poundin' to pieces. What a sight she was! We looked at her, struck still ourselves an' unable to speak. They talk of a Phantom Ship, but if ever anything looked like a Phantom Steamer, the Roddam was that one.

I see how 'twas goin' to be, and therefore I wa'n't surprised to death when the next ten minutes found us sizzlin' down that road, neck and neck with Loveland, dust flyin', hoofs poundin', and the two drivers leanin' way for'ard over the dash, reins gripped and teeth sot. For a little ways 'twas an even thing, and then we commenced to pull ahead a little.

An' Tommy Kilbride the baker, he's been poundin' at the dough for thirty years, an' he's no better off than I am. But me noble Dan Dillon that began wid punchin' the heads of his neighbors, see where he is to-day. But he's worthy of it, an' I'd be the last to begrudge him his luck."

Me...were th’ Old Man poundin’ th’ hills flat lookin’ for me, I’d crawl th’ nearest bronc an’ make myself as scarce as a snake’s two ears." Nye shrugged. "Kitchell’s got some powerful reason for squattin’ out in th’ brush playin’ cat-eyed with most of th’ territory.

It'll be hard to salve her, of course; but she won't git the poundin' she'd get at low-water mark." "I don't care. It's a matter for the underwriters. Don't bother me. I may kill you, Murphy, and your man Hennesey, some day, but not now. I'm too sick." They waited in silence until the crash came a sickening sound of riven timbers and snapping wire rope.