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That little cat-eyed, squirrel-haired woman he has run away with, and against whom I have warned our poor dear girl times out of number" she really believed this "is the sort of pussy, purring creature to make a man feel her claws, once she has got him.

They are unreasoning and easily insulted, and lifelong foes when angered. Let me do the talking. "Do not hold a gun in a threatening manner or draw pistols unless you must fight. Then kill. "Above all, pay no attention to their women. "Now we go. I lead." He turned and strode away into the fog as easily and surely as if cat-eyed and cat-footed. Pedro swung nonchalantly after him.

O'Brien went up to him, plucked a thread from his lapel, and said: "Say, senor, I don't want to 'butt in, but what does that monkey-faced, cat-eyed, rubber-necked tin horn tough want with you?" "Sangre de mi vida!" exclaimed the General. "Impossible it is that you speak of my good friend, Senor Kelley." "Come into the summer garden," said Mrs. O'Brien. "I want to have a talk with you."

At the first movement Newmark expected the rivermen to make their escape. Instead, they stood at attention, their peavies poised, watching cat-eyed the symptoms of the break. Twice or thrice several of the men, observing something not evident to Newmark's unpractised eye, ran forward, used their peavies vigorously for a moment or so, and stood back to watch the result.

And that caused me to stare about our poor little cat-eyed cubby-hole of a wickyup and for the first time realize that our first home was to be wiped off the map. And nothing would ever be the same again, and even the prairie over which I had stared in my joy and my sorrow would always be different! A lump came in my throat.

Me...were th’ Old Man poundin’ th’ hills flat lookin’ for me, I’d crawl th’ nearest bronc an’ make myself as scarce as a snake’s two ears." Nye shrugged. "Kitchell’s got some powerful reason for squattin’ out in th’ brush playin’ cat-eyed with most of th’ territory.

The chief dread of the "fellows" is that they will be at the mercy of an interpreter under the new regime. The Malays give sobriquets to all Europeans, founded upon their physical or mental idiosyncrasies. Thus they call Major Swinburne "The Mad One" and "The Outspoken One." Captain Walker they have already dubbed "The Black Panther." They call Mr. Maxwell "The Cat-eyed One," and "The Tiger Cub."

And that was to be my home, my one and only habitation, for years and years to come! That little cat-eyed cubby-hole of a place! I sat down on an overturned wash-tub about twenty paces from the shack, and studied it with calm and thoughtful eyes. It looked infinitely worse from the outside.