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Circuit will have to git one o' them pianer-like writin' makers and keep poundin' it on the back till it hollers, ef he allows to lope close up in that gal's writin' class. "Lord! but won't thar be fun for us all Winter he'pin' him 'tend to his correspondence!

"'Well, give her a try out, laughs Raven, 'and if she'll run a bit and jump, we may have some fun passin' her up to Jack. "So Lory takes her to the stable, has her saddled and mounts, and I hope never to have another rub-down if she didn't gallop on like she'd never done anything else stiff in the pasterns and hittin' the ground fit to bust herself wide open, but poundin' along a fair pace.

"I declare," says another man, after 'twas all over, "I thought you was a Christian." "Am up to a cert in p'int," says he. "Can't go tew fur not 'n these parts men are tew powerful. 'Twon't do 'less ye wan'if die sudden. When he begun poundin' uv me I see I wan't eggzac'ly prepared." ''Fraid 's a good deal thet way with most uv us. We're Christians up to a cert'in p'int.

It had been snowin' some an' froze on the windows o' the light, so mebbe she didn't see it 'fore she fetched up all standin'. The seas was poundin' her like great guns, an' in her riggin' I could see the poor devils half hid in snow an' ice. Thar wa'n't no hope for 'em, for no dory could 'a' lived a moment in that awful gale, and thar wa'n't no lifeboat here.

The sound of voices wakened him. Dud was talking to the jingler who had just come off duty. The sunlight was pouring upon him. He jumped up in consternation. "I musta overslept," Bob said. Dud grinned. "Some. Fact is, I hadn't the heart to waken you when you was poundin' yore ear so peaceful an' tuneful." "You stood my turn, too." "Oh, well. It was only three hours.

Merritt is a hard man to handle if he once gets started." "He's got his hands full. The papers have been poundin' him because his milk regulations have put up the price. Persecution of the dairymen, they call it. Well, persecution of an honest property owner with a pull won't look pretty for Mr. Health Officer if he don't find nothing there. And the papers'll back me."

Say, old man, let me in on this musicfest if you can, will you?" Course there wa'n't much left for Mr. Robert to do but promise, and while he don't do it with any great enthusiasm, Mr. Hamilton don't seem a bit discouraged. In fact, just before he goes he has a chucklin' fit like he'd been struck by some amazin' comic thought. "I have it, Bob!" says he, poundin' Mr. Robert on the back.

I'd like to see any o' youse pretendin' you was dead while a big bear was poundin' you that hard that you begin to believe you ain't shammin'. An' when that ugly brute hauls off an' hits me agen, I decides then an' there that there's no occasion to sham it.

Barbee lighted his cigarette, his hands steady, but his face looking terribly serious in the brief-lived light shed upon it. "I heard you shootin'," said Barbee. "I rode this way, on the jump. I was only about a mile up the valley; maybe a shade less. He had his horse close an' was on him an' poundin' leather lively to get out. We come pretty close to runnin' into each other.

Old Amos Lutterfield, he’s got him those wot believe wot he says like it was Holy Writhe sure has! Them troopers’ll go poundin’ down th’ Sonora road huntin’ wot never was, till they drop men an’ hosses all along. Then Nahata an’ his bucks’ll tickle ’em up a bitan’ they’ll forgit there was anyone else t’ hunt."