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Ol' man Hemenway lived here then with his daughter Jess. She kep' house fer him. Jess was a great gal. Every man along the flume, from Skyland to Mill Flat, was in love with her. Shape? You couldn't beat that there gal for figger if yeh was to round up every actress in the country. She had a pair o' big round baby-blue eyes, an' was as pretty as any o' them there cigarette picters.

"Here it is," he continued, as he set it down in their midst, "and a darn'd sight too good for you it is too, and mighty thankful you had oughter be that you fell into a gentleman's hands, and one that knows how to treat you. If I had the right I'd starve you all, blast your picters."

I was sorry when the brief hour of the noon intermission was over, and I had to go back to school. But at night the Ark became alive. Soon after supper, Mr. Barlow arrived and "Brother Mark Barlow" and Lovell. Then the little room began to fill rapidly. We adjourned to the "parlor" and the melodeon. "Oh, I do think them plaster Paris picters are so beautiful, don't yew?" said Mrs.

And I goes round reg'lar jest to keep an eye on my capital coves. Lord! I vatches over 'em all like a feyther. Theer's some volks as collects books, an' some volks as collects picters an' old coins, but I collects capital coves, names and faces. The faces I keeps 'ere," and he tapped his placid forehead, "the names I keeps 'ere," and he tapped the little book.

Sometimes I git the notion that she'd enjoy things more if she hadn't seen so dum many of 'em an' so much better ones, y' know! Wal, after she'd ben over there a long time, she wrote she was a-comin' home; an' we was tickled to death. Only I was surprised by her writin' that she wanted us to take all them old picters of hern, and put 'em out of sight!

Miss Matilda had peeped through a crack of the door and made this observation and the remark founded thereon. Continuing her attitude of attention, she overheard Mrs. Crane and her two daughters conversing in the attiring-room, up one flight. "How fine everything is in the great house!" said Mrs. Crane, "jest look at the picters!" "Matildy Sprowle's drawin's," said Ada Azuba, the eldest daughter.

Why, who but old Peggy, the 'oman wot you put out at Clapham." "Well, never mind Peggy, now, Bill; I want to ask you what you have done with Margaret Joplin, whom, sly seducer that you are, you carried off from " "Why, man, Peggy be Joplin, and Joplin be Peggy! And it's for that piece of noos that I got all them pretty new picters of his Majesty Bill, my namesake, God bliss 'im!"

"An' I vow ter Maria!" the man went on to say, with some eagerness. "We 'most all around here air in them picters; ya-as'm! Ye wouldn't think I was an actor, would ye?" And he went off into another spasm of chuckles. "Oh, what fun!" cried Bess. "Paid us two dollars a day for jest havin' our photographts took, they did," said Mr. Snubbins. "And they paid three to the gals, 'cause they dressed up.

'Well why can't 'em hire a travelling chap to touch up the picters into her own gaffers and gammers? Then they'd be worth sommat to her. 'Ah, here they are? I thought so, said Havill, who had been standing up at the window for the last few moments. 'The ringers were told to begin as soon as the train signalled.

But it wuz all made of grasses of different kinds the idee! Fifteen young ladies of Illinois made that, and they done first-rate. I want 'em to know what I think on't, and what Josiah duz. Wall, inside the buildin' wuz full and runnin' over with beautiful objects lovely picters, noble statuary, beautiful works of art and industry done by the sons and daughters of the State.