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The old gammers and gaffers of the village were sitting by their firesides, for, in spite of the sunshine, the air was cold, and more than once Verity shivered as she sat. "This wind is too cold for you, my child," he said presently; "let us walk on." But she shook her head. "No, please let us stay a little longer. I do so love this village. If I were an artist I would paint it.

When I pass'd the Meadow, every one quitted her Employment to come and stare at me; they all spoke together so loud, and with such Volubility, that I almost fancied my self among a Score of Gammers at a Country Christening.

That's the short and the long of it." "The workhouse!" "Aye." Stupefaction. The crows chattering wildly overhead. "And he owns Darwin's Dovecot?" "He owns Darwin's Dovecot." "And how i' t' name o' all things did that come about'!" "Why, I'll tell thee. It was i' this fashion." Not without reason does the wary writer put gossip in the mouths of gaffers rather than of gammers.

Here the gaffers and gammers, whose dancing days were over, told stories of great impressiveness, and at intervals surveyed the advancing and retiring couples from the same retreat, as people on shore might be supposed to survey a naval engagement in the bay beyond; returning again to their tales when the pause was over.

'Well why can't 'em hire a travelling chap to touch up the picters into her own gaffers and gammers? Then they'd be worth sommat to her. 'Ah, here they are? I thought so, said Havill, who had been standing up at the window for the last few moments. 'The ringers were told to begin as soon as the train signalled.

Loveday's great-grandparents had been eight in number, and his great-great-grandparents sixteen, every one of whom reached to years of discretion: at every stage backwards his sires and gammers thus doubled and doubled till they became a vast body of Gothic ladies and gentlemen of the rank known as ceorls or villeins, full of importance to the country at large, and ramifying throughout the unwritten history of England.

The children, however, were wide-awake, and so were the washer-women, whose turn it had been to sleep last night for the labors of the morning. These were plying hand and tongue in a little field by the three cross-roads, where gaffers and gammers of by-gone time had set up troughs of proven wood, and the bilge of a long storm-beaten boat, near a pool of softish water.