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Updated: August 11, 2024

"It do seem Mis' Peavey are a victim of a most pitiful unrest," said Mother to herself as she watched with satisfaction Ruffle Neck tuck the last despised little Hoosier under her soft gray breast. "Some folks act like they had dyspepsy of the mind. Dearie me, I must go and take a glass of cream to my honey-bird, for that between-meal snack that Tom Mayberry are so perticular about."

And not only did it appear that he was expected, and speedily, but the Musgroves, in their warm gratitude for the kindness he had shewn poor Dick, and very high respect for his character, stamped as it was by poor Dick's having been six months under his care, and mentioning him in strong, though not perfectly well-spelt praise, as "a fine dashing felow, only two perticular about the schoolmaster," were bent on introducing themselves, and seeking his acquaintance, as soon as they could hear of his arrival.

Not that I care about that; I don't deign to speak to them; and if heaven is for them, I had just as lieves stay a while outside, for they an' I could never git along together here, and we couldn't be expected to there. But did you want anything perticular of me?"

But one hope that had boyed me up durin' the first weeks of my intercourse with him, died out. I did think, that, in the course of time, he would get all asked out. There wouldn't be a thing more in heavens or on earth, or under the earth, that he hadn't enquired in perticular about. But as days passed by, I see the fallicy of my hopes.

"Yes," said Dan, whose eyes were fixed upon a drift of sunlit cloud in the distance. "Then what the deuce did you do it for?" said Captain Jeb, severely. "Couldn't let a fellow drown," was the brief answer. "Warn't nothing special to you, was he?" growled the old sailor, who was still fiercely resentful of his "scare." "Ain't ever been perticular nice or soft spoken as I ever heard to you.

"Nothing in perticular," responded Peters, "and nothing at all about his little skylark with Shackford." "He's a cool one!" exclaimed Durgin. Though the slips of blue pasteboard had been delivered and accepted without comment, it was known in a second through the bar-room that a special meeting had been convened for the next night by the officers of the Marble Workers' Association.

"But see here, partner," whispered Perk, uneasily, "that ain't a'goin to make any perticular difference with our billet, is it jest 'cause he's got this funny streak runnin' through his doin's we don't reckon to throw up our hands an' call it all off, do we?" Jack chuckled.

"I was told," said the missionary, "that none of the settlers understood so well about the land, and where to find the section and quarter section stakes as you; and I thought, if it wouldn't be taking too much of your time, that perhaps you would show me around a little." "Nothin' would suit my feelings better," said the hunter. "Was there any perticular direction you wish to go to?"

"I thought we'd make them plans for Tarrytown," Cronk said presently. "We might as well get to work as to be lazin' about. Don't ye think so?" "Well, I were a thinkin' of stayin' here for awhile," stuttered Lem. "What for?" "Nothin' perticular." "Ye know where that rich duffer's house be what ye heard Middy Burnes speak about?" "Yep. It ain't far from the graveyard.

They're liable fer ter be thar too afore ever this damn scow makes it, if we hav' ter stop an' pick eny mor' blame fools outer the river. Come on, let's go up." "Wait a minute. This is an Indian war? Black Hawk has broken loose?" "Sure; raised perticular hell. We heerd down et Saint Louee he'd killed 'bout a hundred whites, an' burned sum ov 'em ther ol' devil." "And where is he now?"

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