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"I did not say I would call Esquire Brush; but, unless you explain " "Yes, yes, jest as lieves as not, and will, if you'll keep shut til I can run up garret and back." "Your purpose there, sir?"

Daisy eyed her rough bristling hair, with an odd kind of feeling that it would not be more difficult to comb down into smoothness than the unregulated thoughts of her mind. She must begin gently. But Daisy's eyes grew most wistfully earnest. "Would you shoot Mr. Lamb for taking away your nuts?" "Just as lieves." "Then how do you think he would feel about your taking his nuts?" "I don't care!"

I called ag'in, and he begun to scratch and tear and pull, at boards, I guessed, for it sounded like that; but it wa'n't no use, he couldn't get at me, and he give up at length and set down right over my head and give another howl, so long and so dismal I thought I'd as lieves hear the bell a-tollin' my age.

Ain't it a piece of ingratitude, when we go to the trouble of earning the money to pay for gingerbread for you to eat, that you ain't willing to go in and buy it?" "I would just as lieves go in," said Ida, "if Peg would give me good money to pay for it." "That don't make any difference," said the admirable moralist; "jest do as she tells you, and you'll do right. She'll take the risk."

I'd jest 'z lieves handle them creaturs as so many striped snakes." So saying, she put their heads down with her hand, and packed them together in her apron as if they had been bits of cart-rope. Mr. Bernard had never heard of the power, or, at least, the belief in the possession of a power by certain persons, which enables them to handle these frightful reptiles with perfect impunity.

"Oh, no," he called back over his shoulder; "it isn't necessary." Then he added hastily, "but it's very kind in you, Martha, to think of it." "I'd just as lieves," she insisted flushing with pleasure. He tried to get his thoughts in order as he and Jinny climbed the hill. He knew what, sooner or later, he must say to Mrs.

"I'd just as lieves be in the lib'ary as anywheres," she added. "I'd rather be in the box factory," Grace said. "More money." "More work, too!" Martie suggested. "Come on, let's go to Bonestell's!" Other persons of all ages were in the drug store, seated on stools at the high marble counter, or at the little square cherry tables in the dim room at the rear.

At the end of the first week the storekeeper, while they were closing the shutters, said: "I expect, Herbert, you'd just as lieves take your pay in groceries and goods from the store?" "No, sir," answered Herbert, "I prefer to be paid in money, and to pay for such goods as we buy." "I don't see what odds it makes to you," said Ebenezer. "It comes to the same thing, doesn't it?"

I wouldn't ask more'n a quarter of the profits." "Which would be a very liberal proposal on your part," said Fosdick, smiling. "But perhaps Mr. Stewart might object to a partner living on Mott Street." "I'd just as lieves move to Fifth Avenoo," said Dick. "I aint got no prejudices in favor of Mott Street."

"Miss Lacey'd jest as lieves have seen us in our every-day things." "I don't care," said Minty, hopeful still. "Miss Lacey nearly always brings me somethin'." "Take that pink ribbon right off your braid," commanded her mother, reëntering the house. "Oh, no, ma, it goes so good with this dress," pleaded Minty, looking down affectionately at the red plaid. "Let her keep 'em on," said Cap'n Lem.