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Pay's no great thing as yet, but he can live on it, and if we flourish he'll sail ahead with us." So we brought Thomas Fletcher out from Winnipeg by joint subscription, and it cost us rather more than we cared about, for he came second class, while at that time Harry and I would have traveled "Colonist," or on opportunity would have earned our passage by tending stock.

"Ay, an' a very good masther he is," replied the spokesman of the segment; "gives plenty of employment anyhow although the pay's no great shakes an' that's more than some that abuses him does." "There's no one aboosin' him here, my good friend, so don't imegine it at leest I should be extremely sorry to do so. I respect himself and his family in a very elevated manner, I assoore you.

H. Then I have to thank your family for their goodness to my puir brother, years ago. And for yourself, your friend, Mr. Christy Gallagher, has been telling me you can play the bugle? Owen. I can, sir. Mr. H. And we want a bugle, and the pay's fifteen guineas; and I'd sooner give it to you than three others that has applied, if you'll list. Owen. Fifteen guineas!

Pay's as good for stopping in the caboose as for humping rails in the snow." "You're luckier than me in that way," Charnock answered as he shut the door. "There are some drawbacks to being your own boss. When you can't get to work it's comforting to know that somebody else has to find the dollars and put up the hash." He shivered as he sat down on a box.

When a rattle of wheels warned them that the rig was coming George stopped and said, "This trip will cost you something and your pay's not high. How much do you reckon to have left when you get back?" "About ten dollars," Agatha answered with a twinkle. "I knew you had grit. But I want you to understand!

Six futt one in 'is socks, an' as strong as a 'orse, but by ill luck one night, a sailor-chap that was bigger than 'im come in to the 'all, an' they 'ad a row, an' my man got sitch a lickin' that he 'ad to go to hospital, an' 'e's been there for a week, an' won't be out, they say, for a month or more. Now, Ned, will you take the job? The pay's good an' the fun's considerable.

Janet accosted her. "It's the strike," she explained excitedly, evidently surprised at the question. "The Polaks and the Dagoes and a lot of other foreigners quit when they got their envelopes stopped their looms and started through the mill, and when they came into our room I left. I didn't want no trouble with 'em. It's the fifty-four hour law their pay's cut two hours.

Tay Pay's life of the dead leader proves that his sole secret of success was inflexible purpose, and that his notion of party management was to treat the patriot members as dirt. Parnell was an authority in Irish matters, and his example should be useful to Messrs. Gladstone, Morley, and Co.

Betty's lips twitched, contemptuous. "Well, saying you do mean to work here " "I do." "Where do you think your pay's going to come from?" "Heaven, perhaps." "I guess you think that's funny, don't you?" "I confess, at the moment I did. But now I realise it's probably a bitter truth." He was too much for her, she saw, and the knowledge only served to fan her indignation and suspicions.

I dare say, you're so eager to work for outsiders, and don't care to work for your mistress.... It's all the same! 'The work's all the same, certainly, Nikolai Eremyitch ... but.... 'Well? 'The pay's ... very.... 'What next! You've been spoiled; that's what it is. Get along with you! 'And what's more, Nikolai Eremyitch, there'll be only a week's work, but they'll keep us hanging on a month.