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Updated: August 7, 2024

The fountains of Versailles, the "Grands Eaux" and "Petits Eaux," which shoot their jets in air "semi-occasionally" for the benefit of Paris's "good papas" and their children, are distinctly popular features, and of an artistic worth neither less nor greater than most garden accessories of the artificial order.

They will come and stand by my chair, and say, 'Grandpapa, can you give me a bit of string? and once Henry asked me for a knife, but I told him knives were only made for grandpapas. I think their father is too rough with them very often." "He appears rough to you," said Emma, "because you are so very gentle yourself; but if you could compare him with other papas, you would not think him rough.

"Cousin Elizabeth," said little Willie, taking her hand and leading her away to the sofa, "what do ladies love?" "What do ladies love? Why, Willie, what a queer question." "Yes, but tell me what do ladies love?" "Why, their papas, of course, and their brothers, and their relations; it would not be decorous to love any one else," said the prim maiden.

Oh, yes, an' Uncle Harry's got some candy in his trunk, cos he said so in the carriage, we thank you for lettin' Uncle Harry come to see us, an' we hope he's got LOTS of candy lots an' piles. An' we pray you to take good care of all the poor little boys and girls that haven't got any papas an' mammas an' Uncle Harrys an' candy an' beds to sleep in.

He paused, and, looking about the corridor with an air of content, he continued: "It's all the same, I am very happy to be here; and then, as it is, my wife can write to me," and he drew from his trousers pocket some letters, saying with satisfaction: "The little one has written, look!" and he points out at the foot of the paper under his wife's labored handwriting, some up-and-down strokes forming a dictated sentence, where there were some "I kiss papas" in blots of ink.

And I could name a certain Minister of the Gospel who does not, in the bottom of his heart, much differ from these opinions. Do you think that the fathers and mothers of the holy Catholic church are not as absurd as Protestant papas and mammas? The probability I admit to be, in each case, that the sweet little blockhead will in fact never get a brief.

When rooming-houses and shoe-factories began to shove and push into richly curtained brown-stone-front Pine Street, reluctant papas, with urgent wives and still more urgent daughters, sold at a loss and bought white-stone fronts in restricted West End districts. Subdivisions sprang up overnight.

I have hardly seen him since the valiant De Guerre made his appearance among us, except at dinner; and, indeed, he looks ill, though heigh ho! I wish all papas were as accommodating, and let their daughters flirt with whom they like." "Flirt, Lady Frances?" "Yes, flirt, Mistress Cecil! Is there any thing appalling in the word? though I believe it somewhat of the newest.

Houston started in astonishment, and, locking the office, took a circuitous and little traveled road, determined to fully understand his own heart before he again looked into those eyes with their depths of sincerity and truth. For many years he had been the recipient of flattering attentions from fond papas and aspiring mammas.

"Why doesn't gran'fathah love my mothah?" asked the child, as they came in sight of the cottage. She had puzzled over the knotty problem all the way home. "How can papas not love their little girls?" "'Cause he's stubbo'n," was the unsatisfactory answer. "All the Lloyds is. Yo' mamma's stubbo'n, an' you's stubbo'n " "I'm not!" shrieked the Little Colonel, stamping her foot.

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