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Updated: August 11, 2024

DeSussa, an' t' waay I coom to be acquainted wi' her was along of our Colonel's Laady's dog Rip. I've seen a vast o' dogs, but Rip was t' prettiest picter of a cliver fox-tarrier 'at iver I set eyes on. He could do owt you like but speeak, an' t' Colonel's Laady set more store by him than if he hed been a Christian.

"Never heed Alizon," replied Jem, gruffly. "Hoo's i' good hands. Ye munna be seen, ey tell ye. Ey'm going to Malkin Tower to-neet, if yo'n owt to send." "To-neet, Jem," echoed little Jennet. "Eigh," rejoined Jem, sharply. "Howd te tongue, wench. Dunna lose time, mother."

"If I got Antony to come to thee, Whaley, could ta do owt wi' him, thinks ta?" "I wouldn't try it, squire. It would be breath thrown away. Soon or later thy son Antony will take his own way, no matter where it leads him. Thou hes t' reins i' thy hand now, tak' my advice, and settle this thing while thou hes.

"Goodish thirty feet o' water in that there!" surmised Pickard. "It's none safe for childer to play about theer's nowt to protect 'em. Next time I see Mestur Shepherd I shall mak' it my business to tell him so; he owt either to drain that watter off or put a fence around it." "Is Mr. Shepherd the property-owner?" asked Byner. "Aye! it's all his, this land," answered Pickard.

Very likely he will be angry because he wasn't notified. I understand the social end of things better than you, Daddy Mac. I think it's my duty to take in a word to him." "Aye! Yus! Gude! And tell him the music is ready, the flowers are here, and the tea is served! Use the office for all owt but the wool business. To Auld Hornie wi' the wool business! Politeeks and socieety!

Master Potts, you will lend a hand to the task." "Readily, sir," replied the attorney, "though I shall lose the pleasure I had anticipated of seeing that old carrion crow roasted alive." "Stay a bit, squoire," roared Jem, as preparations were actively made for carrying Nicholas's orders into execution. "Stay a bit, an ey'n cum owt, an bring t' owd woman wi' me."

"He'd approach this here terrace I tell'd you about by a narrow lane that runs off t' high road. He'd meet him there, would Parrawhite." "Did you ever ask any question of Pratt about Parrawhite?" "No never! I'd no wish that Pratt should know owt about my dealin's with Parrawhite. When Parrawhite never come back why, I kep' it all to myself, till now."

"You're a good plucked 'un, Jack," Bill Haden said, "and I owt not t' ha done it, but I didn't think it hurt 'ee, leastways not more nor a boy owt to be hurt, to try if 'ee be game!" "And what's you and t' dogs been doing to-day, Jack?" the miner asked, as he began at his dinner.

It war soft rowing at first, vor t' place war as flat as a table, but arter running vor a vew minutes he says, 'Look owt! Oi didn't know what to look owt vor, and down oi goes plump into t' water. Vor all at once we had coomed upon a lot o' rocks covered wi' a sort of slimy stuff, and so slippery as you could scarce keep a footing on 'em. Oi picks myself up and vollers him.

I don't mean that we go for walks together, and such like, as some boys and girls do, for I ha' no time for such things, and I shouldn't like it even if I had; but I'll take thy part if anyone says owt to thee, and thou shalt tell me when thou art very bad at hoam" for the failings of Nelly's parents were public property.

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