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What will be wanting to fill up Newman besides the lime please to make up in lumber. We would recommend it to you not to tarry till Mr. White's arrival with you before you go up the River. Mr. Pickard and Mr. Hartt will give you an account of what freight they have on board which you will receive of them at the customary rate. We are Sir, Your sincere Friends and devoted hum, Serv's. To Jas.

He pointed to a low-roofed house set amidst elms and chestnuts, some distance off across the moor. "Lives theer, does Mestur Shepherd varry well-to-do man, he is." "How could that water be drained off?" asked Byner with assumed carelessness. "Easy enough!" replied Pickard. "Cut through yon ledge, and let it run into t' far quarry there. A couple o' men 'ud do that job in a day."

Pickard took her family to her father's, where she remained until her death, and where, we read, "with parents and grandparents, Mary found a home whose blessings filled her heart." Being an only child, with four elderly persons, Mary was likely to be too much petted or too much fretted. We are glad to know that she was not fretted or over-trained.

He had watched the landlord of the Green Man closely as he told his story, and had set him down for an honest, if somewhat sly and lumpish soul, who was telling a plain tale to the best of his ability. Byner believed all the details of that story he even believed that when Parrawhite told Pickard that he would find him fifty pounds that evening, or early next day, he meant to keep his word.

'What could ye tell? says I just like that theer. 'Why, he says, 'this much one night t' last back-end " "Stop a bit, Mr. Pickard," interrupted Byner. "What does that mean that term 'back-end'?" "Why, it means t' end o' t' year!" answered the landlord. "What some folks call autumn, d'ye understand?

"Wants to see you about that advertisement in the paper this morning, sir," continued the clerk. Eldrick looked at Byner and smiled significantly. Then he turned towards the door. "Bring Mr. Pickard in," he said.

Pickard's business called him to London, where he resided with his family two years, so that the child's fifth birthday was duly celebrated in mid-ocean on the homeward voyage. In a letter of Mrs. Pickard, written during this London residence, she says, "Mr. Pickard is even more anxious than I to go home. Mary is the only contented one. She is happy all the time."

"I heard summat last night 'at might be useful to you and Lawyer Eldrick about this here Parrawhite affair." "Oh!" said Byner, at once interested. "What now?" "You'll ha' noticed, as you come along t' road just now, 'at there's a deal o' stone quarries i' this neighbourhood?" replied Pickard. "Well, now, of course, some o' t' quarry men comes in here.

"Let me see from the Green Man, at Whitcliffe, I believe?" "Landlord, sir had that house a many years," answered Pickard, as he took a seat near the wall. "Seven year come next Michaelmas, any road." "Just so and you want to see me about the advertisement in this morning's paper?" continued Eldrick. "What about it now?" The landlord looked at Eldrick and then at Eldrick's companion.

Therefore Parrawhite would not wish to leave Pratt's neighbourhood so long as there was money to be got out of Pratt, Parrawhite would stick to him like a leech. But if Parrawhite was to abide peaceably in Barford, he must pay Pickard that little matter of between fifty and sixty pounds.

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