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This impression had speedy confirmation, for one evening when both Mr. Beaumont and Haldane happened to be present, Mrs. Arnot remarked in effect that her heart misgive her when she looked into the future, and that the prospect of a bloody war between people of one race and faith was simply horrible. "It will not be very bloody," remarked Mr. Beaumont, lightly.

Guy, who wanted to talk with her. "Is he angry with me, Mrs. Noah?" and remembering his moody looks when she went in quest of the book, Maddy felt her heart misgive her as to what might be the result of an interview with Guy. Mrs. Noah, however, reassured her, and Maddy stole for a moment to her own room to see how she was looking.

No, no! This she felt that she could not endure not another half-hour of this awful, death-dealing suspense. Anything would be better than that death at Leopold's hands a quick gasp, a final agony yes! That would be briefer and better and perhaps Leo's heart would misgive him perhaps .

At the threshold of Constance's bower, after the ceremony, the old Lady Le Despenser met the Earl and Countess of Kent. "The Lord bless you, fair daughter!" she said, laying her hands on the bowed head of the bride. But a little later the same evening, she said unexpectedly, "Ay me! I am but a blind thing, Dame Maude; yet this match of the Lady Custance doth sorely misgive me."

It was rather discouraging, wearisome work, and Billy's heart began to misgive him as one after another refused his request. "It was foolish in me to attempt it," thought he, as he stopped once more in front of a large wholesale establishment on M street. Just then his eye caught the sign on which was lettered, "R.J. Selden & Co." The name sounded familiar, and something whispered to him to enter.

I 'lows a good prairie hand don't make no mistake over cattle like that. 'E may misgive a face, but a beastie no, siree." "So you base your recognition of the man on the identity of his horse. A doubtful assertion." "Thar ain't no doubt in my mind, sergeant. Ef you'll 'ave it so, I did some." The officer turned to the other men.

"Lady Maude advised me in it, and I cannot say I repent it now, though my heart does misgive ever and again," he replied. "That John Manners," continued the elder Stanley, "is a good enough man, a likely fellow, and would have done well for Dorothy; aye, and had not you been in the way, he would have won her, too. Thou art no match for him, Edward; thou art too impatient."

There may be but two, or there may be a dozen. "I know you did not all steal the meat," you must say, "but I know that one of you did. Unless I know which one that is by to-morrow morning, I will kiboko all of you. Bass!" Perhaps occasionally you may have to kiboko the lot, in the full knowledge that most are innocent. That seems hard; and your heart will misgive you. Harden it.

But Cliffe paid no heed. He laid a hand on her shoulder, and she sank back powerless into her chair as he bent over her. "Cruel cruel child, to play with me so! Did you mean to put me to a last test? or did your hard little heart misgive you at the last moment? I cross-examined your landlady I bribed the servants the gondoliers. Not a word! They were loyal or you had paid them better.

So doth my heart misgive me in these conflicts, What may befall him to his harm and ours. Through the woods the party went to the fortified house of Threlkeld, where the gateway was evidently prepared to resist any passing attack, by stout gates and a little watch-tower.