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"Did you hear the horn as I heard it?" Upon this they all listened, and Gan felt his heart misgive him. The horn sounded a second time. "What is the meaning of this?" said Charles. "Orlando is hunting," observed Gan, "and the stag is killed."

But no matter; proud to set to Granada an example of valour in her defence, be it mine to set, also, an example of obedience to her king. Go on I will follow thee. Yet stay, you will have no need of guards; let us depart by a private egress: the Zegris might misgive, did they see me leave the palace with you at the very time the army are assembling in the Vivarrambla, and awaiting my presence.

My mind now began to misgive me that the disappointed coach-maker had sent me on a wild-goose errand, and that there was no post- chaise in those parts. But coming within view of certain allotment-gardens by the roadside, I retracted the suspicion, and confessed that I had done him an injustice. For, there I saw, surely, the poorest superannuated post-chaise left on earth.

Yet, after all, I dare say that Judith has her vartues, and Hetty has her failin's." "And the 'Feeble-Mind' has seen the chist opened?" inquired Chingachgook, with curiosity in his glance. "Sartain; that much I've heard from her own lips; and, for that matter, so have you. It seems her father doesn't misgive her discretion, though he does that of his eldest darter."

"Our Chota Rani pretends not to care about these robberies, but she takes precautions on the sly, all the same." The look on Bimal's face made my mind misgive me. "Let the key be, now," I said. "I will take out that money in the evening." "There you go again, putting it off," said the Bara Rani. "Why not take it out and send it to the treasury while you have it in mind?"

The doctor and guides will be back soon. I'm getting very hungry, I know, and if they don't come I vote we make an attack on the prog baskets without them." "Let us find Fleming and the baskets first," I answered; for my mind began to misgive me about finding him as easily as we had expected.