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Updated: August 23, 2024

The apex at the Shutargurdan of the salient angle into Afghanistan which our possession of the Kuram valley furnished was within little more than fifty miles of Cabul, whereas the distance of that city from Lundi Kotul, our advanced position at the head of the Khyber Pass, was about 140 miles, and the route exceptionally difficult.

Le Général Comte Lemaroix, Aide de Camp de sa Majesté l’Empereur et Roi, Commandant en Chef le Camp de Boulogne, etc, prie Monsieur Hoffeman, officier, de lui faire l’honneur de venir dîner avec lui aujourd’hui, lundi,

From that date, the celebrated lecturer looked with coldness and disfavour on the novelist, and even in his final pronouncement of the Causeries du Lundi, shortly after Balzac's death, he meted out but faint praise.

Any one with a protruding ankle and thin legs cannot escape criticism. Le petit lundi of the Empress was not so petit as I expected; there were at least four or five hundred people present. Her palace is directly opposite our hotel. I was also presented to the Princess Clothilde, and many others. I was very nervous before singing, but after my first song I did very well.

Je me promene tranquillement. Je reste encore ici deux nuits pour gagner un peu de force. Je suis toujours tres faible, mais le cerveau va mieux, je n'ai point de surexcitation cerebrale. Je ne dois pas beaucoup ecrire. Ainsi tata, ma bien aimee. "Lundi soir. "Puisque je sais que tu dois etre inquiete je t'ecris une deuxieme fois aujourd'hui pour te dire que je vais beaucoup mieux.

Aujourd'hui j'ai termine mon article juste a temps pour l'impression. Comme notre ane 'Je dors debout'; aujourd'hui je tombais presque de sommeil dans les rues de Londres. "Les travaux sur l'eau-forte sont termines cette fois. A bientot!" "22 RUE DE L'OUEST PARIS. Lundi. "Je suis arrive hier a 5 h. du soir.

His best work is contained in the fifteen volumes of "Causeries du Lundi" and in the thirteen volumes of "Nouveaux Lundis" which were articles written for the daily newspapers, the Constitutionnel, the Moniteur, and the Temps, when, between the ages of forty-five and sixty-five, he was at the maturity of his powers.

"Il parait que j'avais encore besoin de repos, car aujourd'hui je suis tres fatigue. J'espere que lundi j'irai mieux; un ou deux jours de repos me sont necessaires: voila tout. Je n'ai point de surexcitation cerebrale; je dors bien et je me repose pleinement, ce qui ne doit pas tarder a retablir mes forces. Je souffre d'etre seul. Mr.

C'est un homme tres delicat et tres fin. Il avait invite Mr. Burgess, un artiste intelligent et agreable que j'avais deja rencontre au Salon de l'annee derniere. J'ai rencontre Tom Taylor a l'exposition. Wallis et nous avons cause quelque temps ensemble. J'ai rencontre Clifton et dine avec lui a son Club." "Lundi matin.

On climbing an adjacent hill we found a circular fort, evidently constructed for strategical purposes, with a doorway, the ends of the wall being rounded, quite a counterpart of the smaller ruin on the Lundi river in Mashonaland. The analogy was indeed curious, and we talked about it hesitatingly to ourselves, as yet unable to give any satisfactory reason for its existence.

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