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Updated: August 10, 2024

From the poop of the Flash Lingard saw in the early morning the Dutch ship get lumberingly under weigh, bound for the eastern ports. Very late in the evening of the same day he stood on the quay of the landing canal, ready to go on board of his brig.

Out of the darkness loomed several unwieldy lighters, splendidly admiralled by a slip of a middy. They came alongside and the men swarmed aboard. The lighters moved lumberingly beachwards. From above, the firing grew loud, and a falling bullet wounded a man the first casualty. Men stood silent, or spoke in subdued murmurs.

I thought: With one word, one single word, I could enlighten the human race beyond all that it has ever learned. Feeble-bodied, feeble-minded humanity! And then I had a glimpse.... I was in the bedroom, near the windows, all the time, but nevertheless I was nowhere, nowhere in space. I could feel the roll of the earth as it turned lumberingly on its axis a faint shaking which did not affect me.

The exhausted men stirred restlessly as they watched her go down to the dam, and one of those who had dropped to a sitting posture came lumberingly to his feet again. "I reckon I've got my second wind now," he lamely announced.

I got on with him lumberingly enough in broken German, and learned from his own lips that he had been an apothecary. He carried the photograph of his betrothed in a pocket-book, and remarked that it did not do her justice. The cut of his head stood out from among the passengers with an air of startling strangeness.

The whittlers of the little sticks sitting on dry goods boxes which surrounded the corner grocery looked up as a wagon came lumberingly down the Lexington Pike, rounded the corner and made its way up Main Street to Tom Coleman's livery stable. They watched a man get out, lift an enormous trunk and carry it into the stable on his shoulders.

Pete Hamilton's voice, trembling with excitement, called to her. "What is it? What has happened?" she cried from within, beset by a hundred wild conjectures. "Saunders somebody shot Saunders. Wire for a doctor, quick as yuh can. He ain't dead yet but he's goin' t' die, sure. Hurry up and wire " Somebody at the store called to him, and he broke off to run lumberingly in answer to the summons.

And how tugging at that rope brought back his lumbago! When Abe rode in the breeches-buoy, Samuel insisted on playing the sole survivor of a shipwreck, too, and went climbing stiffly and lumberingly up the practice-mast. Abraham refused to take a nap after dinner; so did Samuel. Abe went down to the out-door carpenter-shop in the grove, and planed a board just for the love of exertion.

Coincidence, did you say, lifting your eyebrows over the book, as the blue waggon of the Sisters rolled lumberingly into the story? The long arm of coincidence stretched to aching tenuity by the dramatist and the novelist! Nay! but the thing happened, just as I have told. What is the thing we are agreed to call coincidence?

The girl jerked Molly's head around and they dropped back behind the wagon which kept on lumberingly, with Mack still asleep on the seat. From the south from the direction of the distant river a rider came galloping up the trail. "Why!" murmured Frances. "It's Ratty M'Gill!" The ex-cowboy of the Bar-T swung around upon the trail, as though headed east, and grinned at the ranchman's daughter.

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