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Updated: July 31, 2024

But at last I brought him triumphantly across the Rubicon of the little stream, and marched him into camp under the astounded eyes of Cookie. At sight of the negro the dog growled softly and crouched against my skirt. Cookie stood like an effigy of amazement done in black and white. "Fo' de Lawd's sake, Miss Jinny," he burst out at last, "am dat de ghos'-pig?"

"For de Lawd's sake," she exclaimed, "de warmints hab come!" "So they have," replied the captain, rising upright from his crouching posture, "and see what they have done!" He held up the stem of his pipe, which he had kept between his teeth during the exciting moments, with such a grim expression of woe that, despite the frightful incident, his wife and even Avon smiled.

"Hullo, what's happened to the professor now?" he broke off. Indeed, it seemed that some serious trouble had again overtaken the luckless naturalist. "Oh, boys! boys!" came his cries from the direction of the penguin rookery. "Help! The menguins are plurdering us I mean the penguins are murdering us!" "Fo' de Lawd's sake, come quick!" came a yell in Rastus's tones.

Fer de Lawd's sake, don' look at me lak dat! I ain' gwine fergit, sah, de Lawd Jesus know I ain'!" Rand lifted the whip handle from his shoulder. "Mount, then, and come on. There's no good in idling here." A few moments later they overtook and passed Mr. Pincornet, now briskly walking, kit under arm, toward his dancing class.

With a hand gently pressing upon the closed eyelids, Doctor James told her of the end. Not grief, but a hereditary rapprochement with death in the abstract, moved her to a dismal, watery snuffling, accompanied by her usual jeremiad. "Dar now! It's in de Lawd's hands. He am de jedge ob de transgressor, and de suppo't of dem in distress. He gwine hab suppo't us now.

The cry came again, and upon it was borne the words, distinct now in the stillness: "Fur de Lawd's sake doan kill me." "Come on!" Jasper shouted, as he leaped out of the wagon; and everyone followed him. "Hold on thar!" the old man cried. "Don't tetch him whoever you air. Do you hear me? It's Jasper Starbuck that's a talkin' to you."

He had scarcely reached home again when the bell rang furiously and an excited voice was wafted in from the porch: "Foh de Lawd's sake! won't you-all tell Marse Bob please not to go out no moh till I kin git his clo'es round to him?" "Did you hear about the defacement of Mr. Skinner's tombstone?" asked Mr. Brown a few days after the funeral of that eminent captain of industry.

Hunter stood with them in the dim kitchen. "Dunno 'bout dat, Missus. Reckon de wah am ober, an' what we gwine ter do wid de Lawd's prar? Dar, dar, honey, 'pose you'se nerves. 'Taint bes' to tink too much ob de ole times, an' I mustn't talk to you so no mo'." On her way home Aun' Sheba shook her head more than once in perplexity and disapprobation over what she had heard.

De Lawd's na-ame be pra-aise'!" Her father, mother, and brother were all looking at it with her, now, and she glanced from one to another with long heavings of rapture. "Miss Maud," said Silas, in a subdued voice, "dat little trick mus' 'a' cos' you a mint o' money." "Silas," put in Hester, "you know dass not a pullite question!"

Stove, table, chairs, wash-tubs, pots and pans, had vanished as if into thin air. "Fo' de Lawd's sake!" he murmured in open-mouthed astonishment. He passed into the other room, they had only two, which had served as bedroom and sitting-room. It was as bare as the first, except that in the middle of the floor were piled uncle Wellington's clothes.

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