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"'N' yeou," he turned to Tusk, now watching them with growing malignancy, "wait hyar till I git back: then verily, verily, I say unto ye, we'll cast another devil outen the Lawd's temple!" She was alert to acquiesce in this. Her instinct said that unless something tentative were left in view, some further part of the drama held out to be played, the simple-minded Tusk would stop their going.

He ran forward, crouching behind every chance cover, and keeping well back behind the line of shacks. A slight depression in the prairie helped conceal their movements, and neither spoke until they were crouching together beside the wall of the shop. Then Neb, teeth chattering, managed to blurt forth: "Fo' de Lawd's sake, yer don't actually mean ter steal dem hosses?"

Johanna glanced up with injured surprise and then tittered, "Miss Barb wear a shawl fo' de Lawd's sa-ake! Why, Mr. March, evm you knows betteh'n dat, seh." Her glow of happiness stayed while she drew forth a letter and laid it by her cup of coffee. "Oh!" the sceptic tossed his head "seein's believin'; but I can't see so far off." Johanna could hardly speak for grinning.

"Paid the tax? Paid Fo' the Lawd's sakes! Pink Pressley payin' the gover'men' tax!" He gave a great burst of laughter, which he quickly strangled, looking about suspiciously, and shook and shook with suppressed mirth. Bud stared at him seriously, and with some offence. "Ah don' see nothin' e'er so ludicrous about that suggestion." "Oh, Lawd!" Pink was rocking gently from side to side.

"Let's set down, an' fo' de Lawd's sake, keep quite 'twell he come." Dirty Dan heard them move off to the other side of the path and sit down in the grass. "So 'tis that big buck yeller naygur from Darrow an' two o' the Greeks," he mused. "An' God knows I never did like fightin' in the dark. They'll knife me as sure as pussy is a cat." Decidedly, the prospect did not appeal to Dirty Dan.

"Oh, I hope he'll do it," cried Sydney. "He's capital at it!" "Fo' the Lawd's sake!" ejaculated Mrs. Morgan, rising to her feet in the carriage and steadying herself by an informal hand on Mrs. Carroll's shoulder. "Fo' the Lawd's sake, if that ain't Henry Morgan! Well, did you ever!" And her fat body trembled with pride and excitement.

For de Lawd's sake!" she squealed excitedly, in delicious high notes that a prima donna might envy; then caught the fat grasshopper from the black clerical coat, and stood holding it, lips compressed and the joy of adventure dancing in her eyes.

Where is my child?" "Dey went over ter see Mis' Butler 'long 'bout two o'clock, befo' dis fuss broke out, suh. Oh, Lawdy, Lawdy, suh! Is all de cullud folks be'n killt 'cep'n' me an' you, suh? Fer de Lawd's sake, suh, you won' let 'em kill me, will you, suh? I'll wuk fer you fer nuthin', suh, all my bawn days, ef you'll save my life, suh!" "Calm yourself, Sally.

"Fo' de Lawd's sake, Massa," he protested, "dat'd sho' be a hangin' job if ebber dey cotched us." Keith laughed, knocking out the ashes from his pipe. "With an hour's start that will be the least of my troubles," he said, quietly.

I doan' say de sentiment continnered on, but jest dat 'casion seemed ter me like dar was a Yank somewhars es I wouldn't hev ben agin seein' takin' a whuppin' from some'un, Secesh or no Secesh." "What else did ye lose, Unc' Matt?" someone said when the laugh died down. "Well, I lose a wife kinder cook dat dar ain't no 'demnity kin make up fer when de Lawd's removed 'em.