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"Miss Halliday," said Leviticus, lifting his beaver and bowing across the gate, "in response to yo' invite we O bless the Lawd my soul! is that my little Miss Barb, is that you?" Before he could say more Virginia threw both hands high. "Faw de Lawd's sake!" She thrust her husband aside. "G'way, niggah! lemme th'oo dis-yeh gate 'fo' I go ove' it!" She snatched Barbara to her bosom. "Lawd, honey!

Meanwhile the older children had gathered about Aunt Chloe, now seated in a back veranda the weather being still warm enough for the outer air to be very pleasant at that time of day and Rosie, as spokesman of the party, begged coaxingly for stories of mamma when she was a little girl. "It's de Lawd's day, chillens," answered the old woman in a doubtful tone.

"Dar now," said Aunt Ailsey, soothingly, "you des set right still en wait twel ter-night at de full er de moon." She got up and took down one of the crumbling skins from the chimney-piece. "Ef'n de hine foot er a he frawg cyarn tu'n yo' hyar decent," she said, "dar ain' nuttin' de Lawd's done made es'll do hit.

"Didn't you heah M'ria say, 'Fo' de Lawd's sake don't wake up ole Marse? Why don't you mind?" The Colonel was not in the best of humours after such a wakeful night, but the sight of her happiness made him smile in spite of himself, when she danced into his room with the doll. She had eaten an early breakfast and gone back up-stairs to examine the other toys that were spread out in her room.