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Here there is no danger of his being sent to the workhouse, committed as a vagrant, or passed from parish to parish until he reaches his own settlement. Here the humble lad is not met by the sneer of purse-proud insolence, or his simple tale answered only in the frown of heartless contempt. No no no.

The one explosive material enabled them to make a more effective defence of their citadel against the Dutch fleet; the other revealed to the Portuguese and their Mussulman allies that "the Netherlanders could not exist without English protection, that they were the scum of nations, and that if they should get possession of this clove monopoly, their insolence would become intolerable."

Then, though "the Tenth don't dance," perhaps, with graceful, indolent, dandy insolence, they can fight as no others fight when Boot and Saddle rings through the morning air, and the slashing charge sweeps down with lightning speed and falcon swoop. "In the case of a Countess, sir, the imagination is more excited," says Dr.

Ignorant and presumptuous, even beyond upstarts in general, the Prince of Peace treats with insolence all persons raised above him by birth or talents, who refuse to be his accomplices or valets. Proud and certain of the protection of the Queen, and of the weakness of the King, the Spanish nobility is not only humbled, provoked, and wronged by him, but openly defied and insulted.

I have learned that great wealth is almost as much of an evil as great poverty." "I'd take the risk of it, every time; and he is beastly rich, isn't he, Maria?" "One of the very richest men in the State, they told me at the cross-roads." "Yet he has the insolence to cut me off without a dollar. Look at this petered-out little farm he's given me. Why, it doesn't bring in enough to feed a darkey!"

Sus. The perlice, indeed! You get out of this, ma'am, or I'll make you! you and your cowardly man-pup there, as is afraid to look me in the face through the crack o' the door! Get out, I say, with your insolence that's your word! Exit MRS. CLIFFORD. Mat. Susan! Susan! what is to become of us? Sus. She daren't do it the old scrooge! But just let her try it on!

He had spoken more hotly than he had intended, but all the pent-up rage of the past eighteen months, the recollections of Calais and of Boulogne, had all surged up again in his mind, because despite the closeness of these prison walls, despite the grim shadow of starvation and of death that beckoned so close at hand, he still encountered a pair of mocking eyes, fixed with relentless insolence upon him.

I pray you try and curb your impatience until then, and to bear with the insolence of a serving wench, 'Twill serve you well, mine oath on that!" he added significantly. Then without vouchsafing further explanations of his enigmatic utterances, he turned on his heel still laughing apparently at some pleasing thought and walked upstairs, leaving her to meditate.

The white butterflies flitted past his hiding place out to the light of the sun. The eagle was soaring strong-winged, swerving and lifting and falling in an insolence of languid power. The silent Pass quivered to the throb of waters. But what was doing with the Ranger? Not a sound came from the upper trail but the tinkle of hidden springs down the rocks.

"Because you're goin' home to St. Andrew's to be tried for one." Code glanced over his left shoulder. The sun was there. The schooner was headed almost directly southwest. Nat had spoken the truth. They were headed homeward. "Where's your warrant?" Code could feel his teeth getting on edge with rage as he talked to this captor who bore himself with such insolence.