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"He won't tell tales of his messmates," said Bob, with his lips close to Mark's ear. "Silence, Mr Howlett!" cried the captain, sternly. "Now, Dance, the names?" "Beg pardon, your honour, but there was only one dip a-going in the lantern, and it didn't give light enough to tell which was your right hand and which was your left."

"There's gratitude, when it has been just as if we were under orders to keep at sea so as to get him and Mr Russell well again; and look at 'em now. Why, it has quite cured 'em both." "And their doctor has done nothing, Mr Bob Howlett?" "Oh, I didn't mean that, sir, exactly," said that gentleman, colouring a little. "Of course you have done them a lot of good, sir, and "

Swartz, Harry Dana, Frank Howlett, A. I. Esberg and his wife were all thrown out of the boats and into the swift current, but all were rescued in time. Dr. F. E. Orella introduced the first woman lawyer in Manila, and she addressed us in the observation car, on the way back from the Falls.

"Bob Howlett, I'm strong enough to lick you now," said Mark, gripping the boy's thin arm, "so just hold your tongue. Now tell me how's poor Mr Russell?" "Coming round fast. Whitney goes about rubbing his hands when he thinks no one is looking. He's as proud as a peacock with ten tails because he operated on Russell's head and lifted up something, and now the poor fellow's going on jolly.

It was not long before he had to come to the conclusion that unless accident favoured them there was very little chance of escaping from the cabin, and he sat at the window at last, fretting with impatience, trying to master his disappointment, and comparing his fate with that of Bob Howlett, who was doubtless quietly going on with his duties, and amusing himself in his leisure teaching the chimpanzee to chew tobacco.

He felt at times as if he would be glad to sight the Nautilus, and so be relieved of all his cares; but, on the other hand, he could not help feeling that he would be sorry to give up and return to the midshipman's berth. "I wish, though, that Bob Howlett was here," he said to himself, as he longed for a companion of his own age and position. "I don't know, though," he said, directly after.

"Recollect you are prisoner to Her Majesty's ship Nautilus." "Commanded by Bob Howlett, Esquire," said Mark, in his natural tones, "Oh, I say, Bob, how you can bully and bounce!" Bob's hands dropped to his side, and just then a familiar voice shouted, "Where's Mr Howlett?" "Here, sir," said Bob, dismally. "Ah, that's right. Nobody there, I suppose?"

"Beg pardon, sir; they don't understand," said Bob Howlett. "They'd come up if I spoke to 'em." "Then go down and send them aft or no," said the captain, impatiently. "I want them to understand that they are pardoned, but that there must be no violence again. There, that's enough, Mr Staples. Pipe the men below."

Henry S. Bridge had, "a fine make-up" and looked like a real Southern Negro. Pretty Miss Howlett and Miss Wood always made one think of the posters of "Sweet Sixteen." Warren Shannon's Entertainment committee, assisted by Miss Moore, Miss Craig, Mrs. Bercovich and Mrs. Panter, certainly discovered the talent on board and we will always be grateful for the sweet singing of charming Mrs. Gale, Mrs.

One never wrote there, but it seemed naturally to belong to the drawing-room. So far, my birthday had gone happily enough. In the evening, when I returned from the city, I sat down to write a short, sharp note to Messrs. Howlett & Bast.