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Bob Howlett uttered a peculiar sound, half-angry cry, half growl, caught up his cap, and marched out, as if in high dudgeon, while Mark lay back, staring at the open port-hole, through which came the warm glowing light of the tropic sunshine. "Poor old Bob!" he muttered; "he thinks he can sing, and of all the dreadful noises ever made. Ha, ha, ha!"

This is no time for skylarking." The men bent to their oars again, and the boat answered to its name, cutting swiftly through the water towards the little man-o'-war. "But there will be a row about it, old fellow," whispered Bob Howlett. "Oh, very well then, they must row," said Mark Vandean pettishly. "There's no harm in having a monkey onboard if we can get it there."

The Willards, who were by this time comfortably settled at "The Needles," their cottage on the cliff, it is hardly necessary to state, were among those invited, and with their cards was included one for Marguerite. Added to the card was a personal note from Mrs. Howlett to Miss Andrews, expressing the especial hope that she would not fail them, all of which was very gratifying to the young girl.

Michell tells me with great joy how little Betty Howlett is married to her young son Michell, which is a pretty odd thing, that he should so soon succeed in the match to his elder brother that died of the plague, and to the house and trade intended for him, and more they say that the girle has heretofore said that she did love this little one more than the other brother that was intended her all along.

Coventry's not being with us. So up and to supper with Sir W. Batten upon a soused mullett, very good meat, and so home and to bed. 24th. So to Westminster Hall, and there at Mrs. Michell's shop sent for beer and sugar and drink, and made great cheer with it among her and Mrs. Howlett, her neighbour, and their daughters, especially Mrs.

"You'll be ready to help take the next slaver, Vandean eh?" this to the lieutenant; "well, say the next but one. By the way, Mr Vandean, you can send your attendant to the cabin for any books you like to read. Look here, Staples." They went aft together talking, and then descended to the cabin, when Bob Howlett hurried up. "Why, you're holding quite a levee, old chap.

Didn't seem to be a bit of life in any one of you but Tom Fillot, and he couldn't have cut a joke to save his life. As for you, I wouldn't have given a penny more for you than the worth of your uniform, and that was all shrunk. You looked " "How will he look to-morrow, Mr Howlett?" cried a sharp voice, that of the doctor. "So this is the way you keep watch over a patient, is it, sir?

"What is it?" he said to his second in command. "See that light ashore, sir?" "No; I saw one out at sea; it's the slaver. Follow us at once." "But that light was ashore, sir." "Mr Ramsay, do you think I'm blind? Mr Howlett, are you there?" "Yes, sir." "Didn't you see a light off to sea?" "No, sir; ashore." "I tell you it was at sea, and it is the craft we are after. Now, my lads, give way."

Howlett, who, offering me a pew in the gallery, I had no excuse but up with him I must go, and then much against my will staid out the whole church in pain while she expected me at home, but I did entertain myself with my perspective glass up and down the church, by which I had the great pleasure of seeing and gazing at a great many very fine women; and what with that, and sleeping, I passed away the time till sermon was done, and then to Mrs.

"We shall have her now for certain," said Bob Howlett. "Yes; and she has shown no colours," replied Mark; "but suppose she does not turn out to be a slaver, after all." "Suppose pigs were to fly," cried Bob. "She's a slaver for certain, and we've got her." "Doesn't look like it," replied his companion; "where's she making for now? Why, she sails as well as ever."