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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Henry said another boy told him, but he said you could ask anybody and they'd tell you it was true. Henry said this boy that told him's uncle died of it when he was eleven years old, and this boy knew a grown woman that was pretty sick from it right now. I expect Henry wasn't telling such a falsehood about it, mamma, but proba'ly this boy did, because I didn't believe it for a minute!

The girl, they told me, was delicate. `Get straw, hay, branches anything soft, I shouted, `an' pile 'em under the window. "`Him's too weak for jump, gasped a native servant. "`Do as I bid ye, said I, with a glare that sent 'em all off double-quick. Happily I found a rope handy in a storehouse hard by. I made a coil of it. You know a seaman can usually heave a coil of rope pretty well.

Now, as a matter of private amusement, this might have answered very well; but then Uncle Jaw was not satisfied to fight his own battles, but must needs go from house to house, narrating the whole length and breadth of the case, with all the says he's and says I's, and the I tell'd him's and he tell'd me's, which do either accompany or flow therefrom.

Oh, there are times when Gourlay makes little or noathing from the carrying; but then, ye see, it gies him a fine chance to annoy folk! If you ask him to bring ye ocht, 'Oh, he growls, 'I'll see if it suits my own convenience. And ye have to be content. He has made so much money of late that the pride of him's not to be endured."

Every man of the crew of the wrecked auxiliary steamer desired to get aboard the superdreadnaught if there was to be any fresh excitement. Whistler's chums urged him to waylay Ensign MacMasters for information. "G'wan, Whistler!" begged Frenchy. "You and him's just like brothers. Ask him if the old Kennebunk is running away from us, or if it's all bunk?" and he grinned at his pun.

I niver yeard till on't befar," he said suspiciously. "It's incurable, Jack," said the doctor, gravely. Happy Jack was consoled. He rolled out the word with relish to his next visitor. "Him's vound it out at last. 'Tis the anny-dominy, and 'tis incurable.

Then they returned to the carcass of the bull, and cut off a large quantity of meat, using the cutlass as well as their clasp-knives in the operation. "Cut the meat in thin slices," said Mark Breezy, when they began this work. "Why you so 'ticklar, massa?" asked Ebony. "I's fond o' t'ick slices w'en him's not too tough."

"Ki!" laughed Ben, "white darkey. Mind ole dad, Mars' John, as took off in der swamp? Um asked dat Linkinite ef him saw dad up Norf. Guess him's free now. Ki! ole dad!" "The swamp was the place for him," said Lamar. "I remember." "Dunno," said the negro, surlily: "him's dad, af'er all: tink him's free now," and mumbled down into a monotonous drone about

"Andrew again " "No more foolin', old chap. I know you, though, by gum! you do look a heap like the ingineer from Grandon. Mebbe you'n him's related. But see here, I kin tell you by that, allus." With a quick movement, the tramp sprang forward and pushed up the hat of the hunter, revealing in the roots of the hair a red, ragged scar.

"The rest of him's all right, too," put in the dry, unemotional voice of the Duchess. "Dinner's ready. Come on." As they moved to the table Hunt clapped a big hand on Larry's shoulder. "And to think," he chuckled, "it took a crook fresh from Sing Sing to discover me as a great artist! You're clever, Larry clever!

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