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Under such favourable circumstances Loretta came rapidly to the front, while Mrs. Hemingway modestly and shamelessly retreated into the background. Loretta began to discover that she was not a pale orb shining by reflection. Quite unconsciously she became a small centre of things. When she was at the piano, there was some one to turn the pages for her and to express preferences for certain songs.

The plain clothes man stated the case, and suggested that the story be told to "The Blade" editor for publication in the morning issue. Then, if anyone in town had any definite suspicion why so much nitroglycerine should be needed in that little city, he could communicate his suspicions or his facts to the police. "The chief agrees to my plan," nodded Hemingway, leaving the 'phone.

"The White Slave" has "Die Walkure" beaten to a pulp, and they don't get to you for three cases gate money, either. Say, Jim, if you ever happen to be hunting around for a real true old sport, don't overlook General Hemingway, last evening's host. When it comes to warm propositions he is certainly the bell cow. They all follow him.

Come, come, Dodge," urged Hemingway, laying a kindly hand on the young man's shoulder, "calm down and understand that Prescott is not offering to make any trouble, and that he has been very patient with a young fellow who finds himself in a heap of trouble." "I can cut this short," offered Dick quietly. "I don't believe it would be worth my while, Mr.

Every woman in it, from the little new Swede stock-girl to Gladys Hemingway, who is only working to wear out her old clothes, was standing with her face toward the elevator, and on her face a look that would make the ordinary door-mat marked 'Welcome' seem like an insult. I kind of smoothed my back hair, because I knew that only one thing could bring that look into a woman's face.

"Stay with Cam and Dollie," Le Claire turned Dr. Hemingway back with a word. "They need you now. We can do all that can be done." He strode ahead of us; a stalwart leader of men he would make in any fray. It flashed into my mind that it was not the Kiowa Indian blood that made Jean Pahusca seem so stately and strong as he strode down the streets of Springvale.

"Hustle aboard, there, you Prescott and Darrin!" roared Captain Wadleigh's voice from an open window. "You hear, Hemingway?" urged Dave. "Yes; but I can't help it," sighed the policeman. "We're not going -can't " fluttered Darrin. His voice was low, but it reached the captain of the eleven. "What's that?" roared Wadleigh, making a dash for the door of the car. "Keep your seats, you other fellows.

Adair, she is my sister! And she wants to thank you. She's below " He was not allowed to finish. Hemingway had flung him to one side, and was racing down the deck. The detective sprang in pursuit. "One moment, there!" he shouted. But the man in the white mess-jacket barred his way. In the moonlight the detective saw that the alert, bronzed young man was smiling. "That's all right," said Fearing.

In another moment he had produced the jeweled pin that exactly answered the description of the one belonging to Mrs. Edwards. Dick gave a gasp, then a low groan. A heart-broken sob welled up in Mrs. Prescott's throat. Dr. Thornton turned as white as chalk. Hemingway, an old actor in such things, did not show what he felt -if he really felt it at all.

"And do you mean to say that because Amos Judson turned you off and cut you out of his will, you had to come out to this forsaken land? I thought better of the town," I declared. "Oh, don't you mind! Cris Mead offered me a place in the bank. Dr. Hemingway was fur havin' me fill his pulpit off an' on. He's gettin' old. An' Judge Baronet was all but ready to adopt me in the place av a son he'd lost.