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"The suitors had na your wit, my manny, or maybe they had na a penny to toss, sae ane chused the gowd, ane the siller; but they got an awfu' affront. The gold kist had just a skull intil't, and the siller a deed cuddy's head!" Chorus of Females. "He! he! he!" Ditto of Males. "Haw! haw! haw! haw! Ho!" Christie. "An' Porsha puttit the pair of gowks to the door.

There's them that's gowks enough to think ye're seein' Sichts, when it's neither mair nor less than he'rt-sick laziness, and I was ance ane o' them mysel'. Ye hinnae as muckle o' the Sicht as wad let ye see when Leevie was makin' a gowk o' ye to gar ye hang oot signals for her auld jo. A bonny-like brewster-wife ye'll mak', I warrant!"

"Produce the siller," said the other. "It's in my pocket." "It's no' that. We riped your pooches lang syne." "I'll take you to Glasgow with me and pay you there. Honour bright." Ecky spat. "D'ye think we're gowks? Man, there's no siller ye could pay wad mak' it worth our while to lowse ye. Bide quiet there and ye'll see some queer things ere nicht. C'way, Davie."

"For twa gude reasons," answered the beggar, who quietly kept his sitting posture; "first, because, as I said before, we have naething to dig wi', for they hae taen awa the picks and shules; and, secondly, because there will be a wheen idle gowks coming to glower at the hole as lang as it is daylight, and maybe the laird may send somebody to fill it up and ony way we wad be catched.

I dinna see hoo, bein sic a freen' o' my father's, he sud objeck to my father's son! 'Eh, but laddies ir gowks! cried Kirsty. 'My father was your father's freen' for his sake, no for his ain! He thinks o' what wud be guid for you, no for himsel! 'Weel, but, persisted Gordon, 'it wud be mair for my guid nor onything ither he cud wuss for, to hae you for my wife!

And when they told this to the wise woman, she answered only,'Of coorse! of coorse! Gien I had been wi' ye, lads, I wad hae seen mair. When they pressed her to speak more plainly, she only shook her head, and muttered, 'Dull hertit gowks! That's all, my lady." In the kitchen, things were going on even more quietly than in the drawing-room.

A pair of gowks, were we not, in that darkening wood, quarrelling on an issue as flimsy as a spider's web, but who will say it was not human nature? I daresay we might have come to hotter words and bloody blows there and then, but for one of the trifles that ever come in the way to change not fate, for that's changeless, but the semblance of it.

At least, where'er I go, I'll meet no long nose, nor short nose, nor snub nose patriots there; nor puir gowks stealing the deil's tools to do God's wark wi'. Out among the eternities an' the realities it's no that dreary outlook, after a', to find truth an' fact naught but truth an' fact e'en beside the worm that dieth not, and the fire that is not quenched!" "God forbid!" said Katie.

"Ye think a great deal o' yersel', because ye're frae Las Palomas. Aweel, no vaquero of auld Lance Lovelace can come sparkin' wi' ma lass. I've heard o' auld Lovelace's matchmaking. I'm told he mak's matches and then laughs at the silly gowks. I've twa worthless sons-in-law the noo, are here an' anither a stage-driver. Aye, they 're capital husbands for Donald McLeod's lassies, are they no?

For some time the woman was too much occupied with her task to notice his presence, but when her labour was rewarded by a faint sigh, and a slightly-drawn breath parted the pale lips, she heard a grunt of satisfaction behind her; and turning her head, she exclaimed, "What gowks men are, to be sure." "Eh, what is it, dame?" said Coomber, meekly; for he had conceived a wonderful respect for Mrs.