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Updated: August 17, 2024

One thing, however, was quite clear. "'Skuse me, Mars' Gen'l. I I don't need dat ar pass home now. An' I much obliged to you fer not givin' it to me. Yas, seh. Thank'e, seh." At the doorway he bowed with careful politeness to each occupant of the fatal room. "Good mornin', Mars' Cary. Good mornin', gent'men. Good mornin'."

I knowed it, but I was hasty: One day she hit me wid a stick an' I th'owed it back at her. 'Bout dat time up walked her pa. He seen what I done, but he didn' see what she done to me. But it wouldn' a-made no dif'ence, if he had. "He snatched me in de air an' toted me to a stump an' laid me 'crost it. I didn' have but one thickness 'twixt me an' daylight. Gent'men! He laid it on me wid dat stick.

"I use ter ride erlong wid Marse Tom ter co'te 'er," he said, "en de gent'men wuz a-troopin' ter see her in vayous attitudes. Dey buzzed roun' 'er de same ez bees, but she ain' had no eyes fer none 'cep'n Marse Tom." At that instant the door opened, and Rindy rushed in, breathlesly pursuing Eugenia. "Miss Chris is pow'ful riled," she announced, "an' Marse Tom is a-stampin' roun' same ez er bull.

But latah on I could fix things so 's you could have the whole third floor ef you wanted to. Most o' my gent'men 's railroad gent'men, they is. I guess it must 'a' been Mr. Thomas that sent you up here." "He was a little bright man down at de deepo." "Yes, that 's him. That 's Mr. Thomas.

A brief but animated conversation at once ensued, at the end of which Jantje turned to his employers and explained: "Dhese people say, sars, dat dhere is four, five lion in de bush yander and dhey won' go 'way, and dhey wan' to know if white gent'men be so kind as to kill dhem lion; because if dhey not be killed dhey kill de poor Kafirs' cattle.

"I know all about it, for I asked Uncle Edward. If the Federalists win, the crops will be good, and General Washington and my father and my grandfather will lie quiet in their graves. We are Federalists. If the Republicans win, the country will go to the devil." "Hi, dat so?" said Miranda. "Le's run open de big gate. Dey two gent'men moughty free wid dey money."

One mornin' de cav'lry gent'men come ridin' up, lookin' fer horses an' fodder an' an' Mars' Cary an' anything else what was layin' roun'. Yas, seh. An' des' befo' dis here gent'man come," with a bow at Morrison, "a low-lived white man took'n grab me by de th'oat an' choke me, seh. Den he 'sult Miss Hallie " "Miss Hallie?" queried the General. "My mis'tiss, seh," answered Uncle Billy.

"Gent'men born an' " the other began, but the last of his sentence was lost as the boat turned up the river, and the cadence of the paddles died in the distance. Sandy waited until the rascals had disappeared around the bend, then shoving his skiff quickly alongside Leander's, he whispered into the latter's ear: "Me an' Gil is goin' in to Beaver Dam.

Whut you know 'bout mekin' a fortune? Ain't you a Ha'ison? De Ha'isons nevah was no buyin' an' sellin', mekin' an' tradin' fambly. Dey was gent'men an' ladies f'om de ve'y fus' beginnin'." "Oh what a pity one cannot sell one's quality for daily bread, or trade off one's blue blood for black coffee." "Miss Mime, is you out o' yo' haid?" asked Mammy Peggy in disgust and horror.

Pappy will smite 'im on de back Wid a great big club ker whack! Ker whack! "Aventine, where I was born an' bred, was acrost Secon' Creek. It was a big plantation wid 'bout a hund'ed head o' folks a-livin' on it. It was only one o' de marster's places, 'cause he was one o' de riches' an' highes' quality gent'men in de whole country. I's tellin' you de trufe, us didn' b'long to no white trash.

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