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It might be useful to be made an honorary member of the gang. "Weel," his companion concluded, "if ye stop at the inns I've told ye o', ye'll find folks who can haud a quiet tongue, and if ye see ony reason for it, ye can say ye're a freend o' mine." Foster rather diffidently offered him some money, but was not surprised when the man refused the gift.

'But his spunk's soon out of him, I think, continued the stranger, 'and that is like mony a man's courage, that thinks he wad do great things till he come to the proof. My gudesire scarce listened to this, but spurred his horse, with 'Gude e'en to you, freend.

Marget was moving about the garden, and she told me that George looked at Domsie wistfully, as if he had something to say and knew not how to do it. After a while he took a book from below his pillow, and began, like one thinking over his words: "Maister Jamieson, ye hae been a gude freend tae me, the best I ever hed aifter my mither and faither.

"Thank ye, Paitrick, and gude nicht tae ye. Ma ain true freend, gie's yir hand, for a'll maybe no ken ye again. "Noo a'll say ma mither's prayer and hae a sleep, but ye 'ill no leave me till a' is ower." Then he repeated as he had done every night of his life: "This night I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take."

"I prefer your friend with the mittens, I confess," said Maurice, "though I'm sure both were most agreeable companion. But come, Doctor, couldn't you give us, Sit ye down, my heartie, and gie us a crack, Let the wind tak' the care o' the world on his back." "You maunna attempt English poethry, my freend Quell; for it must be confessed ye'e a damnable accent of your ain."

But when the voice of the querist alone was distinguishable, the response usually was, "Where are ye coming frae at sic a time o' night as the like o' this?" or, "Ye'll no be o' this country, freend?" The answers, when obtained, were neither very reconcilable to each other, nor accurate in the information which they afforded. Mannering now grew impatient.

"The doctors in the toons hae nurses an' a' kinds o' handy apparatus," said MacLure to Drumsheugh when Bell had gone, "but you an' me 'ill need tae be nurse the nicht, an' use sic things as we hev. "It 'ill be a lang nicht and anxious wark, but a' wud raither hae ye, auld freend, wi' me than ony man in the Glen. Ye're no feared tae gie a hand?" "Me feared? No likely.

Instead of at once taking the tray on which it was placed into the sitting-room, he conveyed it privately into his own pantry, and shut the door. "Lie ye there, my freend, till the spare moment comes and I'll look at ye again," he said, putting the letter away carefully in the dresser-drawer.

It's airly an' late wi' me, Muster Greystock; and the lumbagy just a' o'er a mon isn't the pleasantest freend in the warld." Frank said that he was sorry to hear so bad an account of Mr. Gowran's health, and passed on. It was not for him to refer to the little scene in which Mr. Gowran had behaved so badly and had shaken his head.

"Andrew Black was an auld freend o' mine, an' a big, stoot, angry man he is kindly disposed, nae doot, when ye let him alane, but a perfe't deevil incarnate when he's roosed. He did me an ill turn ance that I've no paid him off for yet." "I suppose, then," said the officer, "that your guiding us so willingly to his cottage is in part payment of this unsettled debt?"