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During my sojourn in Entre Rios, the province where this insect seems to come in greatest numbers, a law was passed that every man over the age of fourteen years, whether native or foreigner, rich or poor, was compelled to dig out and carry to Government depots, four pounds weight of locusts' eggs. It was supposed that this energetic measure would lessen their numbers.

A son of a major at Bahia Blanca gained his livelihood by making paper cigars, and he wished to accompany me, as guide or servant, to Buenos Ayres, but his father objected on the score of the danger alone. Many officers in the army can neither read nor write, yet all meet in society as equals. In Entre Rios, the Sala consisted of only six representatives.

La invasión francesa le halló listo a la defensa de la que entonces era su patria, como la invasión norteamericana le había de hallar muchos años después entre los más distinguidos defensores de su tierra natal.

"You have succeeded ?" "Yes; in that lies my special talent. Her inconstancy was mere frivolity, unrestrained imagination. It was necessary to change that disposition of hers, but you have no idea of her attachment to me. But really, is she not charming?" "I quite agree with you." "And yet entre nous I recognize one fault in her.

Entre nous, Lumley, I could wish her married to a man of sober sense, like the Duke of ; for sober sense is exactly what she wants. Do observe, she has been sitting just half an hour flirting with that odd-looking adventurer, a Signor Cesarini, merely because he writes sonnets and wears a dress like a stage-player!"

"It is twenty-four hours since I spent my last fifty sous on the purchase of a rat, and I burnt the legs of my bedstead for the fuel by which that quadruped was roasted." "Entre nous, my poor friend, I am much in the same condition," said Savarin, with a ghastly attempt at his old pleasant laugh. "See how I am shrunken!

Entre nous, my whistle was considered infallible. A bad attack of fever laid me up until the 31st of December. On the first day of January, 1864, I was hardly able to stand, and was nearly worn out at the very time that I required my strength, as we were to start south in a few days.

"What is the sum?" whispered Frank, anxious that the poor count should not overhear him; and indeed the count seemed too stunned and overwhelmed to hear anything less loud than a clap of thunder! "We may settle all liabilities for L5,000. Nothing to Peschiera, who is enormously rich. /Entre nous/, I doubt his assurance that he is without ready money. It may be so, but " "Five thousand pounds!

Chapter iii. 10. Mais entre les égaux, il est bien

«Une montagne plus rapprochée de notre cascade, et qui presente aussi ce phénomène, est située derrière elle au nord-est entre le village de Seiz et les granges des Fonds. Cette montagne porte le nom d'Anterne. Elle est plus élevée que celle du Nant d'Arpenaz, ses couches forment des arcs concentriques plus grands et plus recourbés encore, et l'on voit de même