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And, naturally, the city caught the contagious air of entre the working girls, poor ugly souls, wrapping soap in the factories and showing finery in the big stores, dreamed that perhaps in the spectacular excitement of this winter they might obtain for themselves the coveted male as in a muddled carnival crowd an inefficient pickpocket may consider his chances increased.

Tout le monde, carte blanche enbonpoint sauve que peut entre nous revenez nous a nous moutons!" The horrified sans-culottes shrink back in terror as the Gray Wolf seizes Maria by the hair and cuts her into twenty-nine pieces, each exactly the same size.

As the latter was infected with the sceptical views of Hume, there would seem to have been a scene, for in the Life Johnson is made to say, 'I have not met with any man for a long time who has given me such general displeasure, but Boswell, ever with an eye for copy, writes to Temple, 'it was a very fertile evening, and my journal is stored with its fruits. Then to Lord Hailes he writes: 'Entre nous of Dempster, Johnson had seen a pupil of Hume and Rousseau totally unsettled as to principles.

'Small, however, is a word of relative import; the stakes might be small to you, to me large. Entre nous, cher ami, I am at the end of my purse, and I have only this consolation-I am cured of play: not that I leave the complaint, the complaint leaves me; it can no more feed on me than a fever can feed on a skeleton." "Are you serious?" "As serious as a mourner who has just buried his all."

«Ces couches s'élèvent en quelques endroits, par exemple, entre Veiry et Crévin,

"Certainly," was my answer. "But you know, my dear Henry, that though you have great talents, which, I confess, I was surprised in the course of the election to discover, yet they want that careful cultivation, which, in order to shine in the House of Commons, they must receive. Entre nous, Henry; a litle reading would do you no harm."

"She's come she's here in this very house No. 29, above the entre sol." "Who is here, in No. 29, above the entre sol?" "Who, but Mrs. O'Leary herself. I was near saying bad luck to her." "And does she know you are here?"

Then succeeded a grand entre of valets de place, who were hardly dismissed before the lodging letters arrived, followed by somebody with a list of les seigneurs and dames as long as a Welsh pedigree.

It has appeared, since the death of this unfortunate man, that the charge against him was groundless, and that he only wanted time to arrange his papers, in order to exonerate himself entirely. Oct. 19. We are disturbed almost nightly by the arrival of fresh prisoners, and my first question of a morning is always "N'est il pas du monde entre la nuit?"

There were houses here and there upon this boulevard; stately houses, entre cour et jardin, and with plaster vases of geraniums on the stone pillars of the ponderous gateways. The rumbling hackney-carriage drove upward of three-quarters of a mile along this smooth roadway before it drew up against a gateway, older and more ponderous than any of those they had passed.