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Edson, have you ever felt the tender passion? I know you have been desperately in love, once, at least; do describe to me some of the symptoms, in order that I may know when I am seriously attacked myself by the disease." "Mais, ceci est ridicule! L'enfant s'est sauvée du Charenton de New- York." "From the nursery rather, Mademoiselle; you perceive she does not yet know how to walk alone." Mr.

He looked wistfully at the horse block, but did not dare propose having the horse led up to it. The second reason was he did not know whether to accept or decline the kindness of Mr. Edson; but that man reassured him by saying: "Come! What are you waiting for? Jump up. I’d a heap rather Jim would go with you than ride Prince to death." Here Mr. Woodburn spoke.

John Joy Edson, President Board of Charities, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir:-We are counsel for a large group of citizens, men and women, who have in the past been associated with Occoquan work house as officials or inmates and who are ready to testify to unspeakable conditions of mismanagement, graft, sanitary depravity, indignity and brutality at the institution.

He tried to mark out the false and true between the words of father and daughter. It all seemed fair enough in a way, according to their different natures. "Tacoma, July 2, 1897. "Come at once to Cheyenne. Am leaving here to join you. Alice wishes to see you particularly before she sails for Japan. Take a month's leave. Turn your cash business over to Secretary Edson.

Inspector Aylesbury stood in the open doorway for a moment, and then, stepping back into the hall: "Sergeant Butler," he said, addressing the man who waited there. "Yes, sir." "Go out to the gate and get Edson to relieve you. I shall want you to go back to headquarters in a few minutes." "Very good, sir."

Such kindness from an entire stranger was unlooked for by Wilmot. He knew not what to make of it; it was so different from the cold, money-making men of the North. He tried to stammer out his thanks, when Mr. Edson interrupted him by nudging Mr. Woodburn and saying: "Don’t you mind old Middleton. He’s been tarin’ round after a Yankee teacher these six weeks. I reckon this chap’ll suit." Mr.

The young men, one and all, protested against this judgment, and with perfect truth, for Miss Ring was too original to point out charms that every one could see. "They say it will not be a match between her and Mr. Egbert, after every body has supposed it settled so long. What is your opinion, Mr. Edson?" This timely question prevented Mr.

""Which now I'm goin'," he whispers, "no one's to mention that eepisode of the Pecos an' the little Mexican girl of Plaza Chico!" "'Edson is still a moment; an' then after sayin' "Good-by," he lets on that he desires me to leave him alone with the mare. ""I'll give Ruth yere a kiss an' a extra message for my sweetheart," he says, "an' then I'll sleep some."

Edson wrote to him after the campaign: "Without the platform pledges of the Republican county and State conventions we could never have held the legislators and to you the women of California are indebted for making this possible." Mrs.

Glancing casually at them, I saw one labeled "Henry VIII," and feeling a little curious upon seeing that it looked like Calvin Edson, the living skeleton, I said: "Do you call that 'Henry the Eighth?" He replied, "Certainly; sir; it was taken from life at Hampton Court, by special order of his majesty; on such a day."