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Chased 'em 'bout a mild and treed 'em at Square Russoll's, way up Canal, eout in the country. Three was in the yard and gin right up without doublin' a fist, though they had their pockets chuck full o' little pistols. We locked 'em into the cellar, and then, went upstairs, where there was a devil of a yellin' and fightin'. Hanged if I know what they come there for.

"That highbrow line might work out in time, but for a quick get-together proposition I'm backin' the dishpan." Believe me, this job of bein' private sec. all day and doublin' as assistant Cupid after hours may be entertainin' and all that, but it ain't any drowsy detail. Don't leave you much time for restin' your heels high or framin' up peace programmes.

He's the same feller that, you remember, I busted down before Nashville. I kin do it agin. He's a bum citizen gambler. He thinks he's the smartest chuck-a-lucker in the Army o' the Cumberland, but I'll learn him different." "Don't risk more'n a dollar," begged Si as a final appeal. "All down?" called the "banker." "Allow doublin'?" inquired Shorty.

"But 'e was off in a flash, and I doubles after 'im prompt." "But you didn't catch him?" "No, sir," admitted the sergeant reluctantly. "Did you catch sight of his face, Sergeant?" "No, sir, 'e was doublin' away in the opposite direction." "Did you notice anything at all about his appearance?" "'E was a long young chap, sir, with a pair of legs on him feeflee fast 'e run, sir. Oo-oo-oo, feeflee!"

Now the way I bet is this: I lay down, say on the ace, an' it don't come up; I just double my bet on the ace, an' keep on doublin' every time it loses, until at last it comes up an' then I win a bushel o' money, and mebbe bust the bank. You see the thing's got to come up some time; an' every time it don't come up makes it more likely to come up the next time.

"Thar warn't so much when 'twas left, but it's been doublin' on itself all the while you were waitin'." "We could go everywhere an' see everything, grandfather." "It ain't for me, pretty. Mr. Jonathan knew you wouldn't come into it till I was well on my way to the end of things." Kneeling at his side, she caught his hands and clung to him sobbing. "Don't talk of dying!

"But if you are a friend of Miss O'Toole's possibly I can break my rule.... About how much do you wish to invest?" "Oh, say fifteen to twenty thousand. Figger on doublin' it up, or mebby better 'n that. Folks does it. I've read about 'em." "To be sure they do if they are properly advised. But one has to know the stock market like a book." "And Mr. Peaney knows it like a book," said Pansy.

Now the way I bet is this: I lay down, say on the ace, an' it don't come up; I just double my bet on the ace, an' keep on doublin' every time it loses, until at last it comes up an' then I win a bushel o' money, and mebbe bust the bank. You see the thing's got to come up some time; an' every time it don't come up makes it more likely to come up the next time.

Here sounded a scornful laugh from Jimmie, the prop boy. "Bunk!" said he at the laugh's end. "How long you been doublin' for her, Miss Montague? Two years, ain't it? I know it was before I come here, and I been on the lot a year and a half.

"Then it occurred to me to comfort the Khye-Kheens. So I turned out the whole command, and we advanced a' la pas de charge, doublin' up what, for the sake of argument, we'll call the Malo'ts' left flank.