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I can't make out what ye meant be pretindin' to go to It'ly an' doublin' back into Germany; an' I wish f'r me own peace iv mind all ye'er explanations 'd mate. But, sure, if ivry man that was too free with his affections was to be sint to th' Divvle's Own Island, they'd have to build an intinsion to that far-famed winther resort.

Next year come fifteen hundred, an' in '45 twicet that many, an' so it has went, doublin, an' doublin'. Six or seven thousand whites go up the Platte this season, an' a right smart sprinklin' o' them'll git through to Oregon. Them 'at does'll carry plows. "Ma'am, if the brave that sunk a arrer in yore plow beam didn't kill yore plow hit warn't because he didn't want to.

Confound you, fall in in single rank, 'cordin' to size, and do it in short meter, before anything else happens. Right dress! Front! Without doublin', right face! Great Scott, what's the matter with you roosters? Don't you know your right hands from your lefts? Turn around there, you moon-eyed goshngs! Forward file right march!" "Here, Sergeant," said a large man with three chevrons on his arm.

The space bein' narrow comparatively they form one strong current, on doublin' the Cape of Good Hope, which flies right across to the Gulf of Mexico.

"But 'e was off in a flash, and I doubles after 'im prompt." "But you didn't catch him?" "No, sir," admitted the sergeant reluctantly. "Did you catch sight of his face, sergeant?" "No, sir, 'e was doublin' away in the opposite direction." "Did you notice anything at all about his appearance?" "'E was a long young chap, sir, with a pair of legs on him feeflee fast 'e run, sir. Oo-oo-oo, feeflee!"